1)Would you mind answering a few questions?- Sure, I will. You may ask me. 2)What kind of newspaper do you read?- I read daily newspapers. 3)what about gossip magazines? Do you ever read them?- No, I don't like them 4)Do you believe the stories in them?- As I don't read them, I don't believe them 5)Did you know that nearly all the people who took part in our survey today said that they get most of their information about what's going on in the would from gossip magazines?- Oh, really. That's interesting
На русском:Кейт и Мэри гуляли в парке. К ним подошел парень и попросил денег. Они отказали и убежали от него. Через 3 часа тот парень подбегает к девушкам с цветами и обьясняет, что они ему очень понравились За Українки: Кейт і Мері гуляли в парку. До них підійшов хлопець і попросив грошей. Вони відмовили і втекли від нього. Через 3 години той хлопець підбігає до дівчат з квітами і пояснює, що вони йому дуже сподобалися In English: Kate and Mary walked in the park. A guy came up to them and asked for money. They refused and ran away from him. After 3 hours, that guy runs up to the girls with flowers and explains that he really liked them