1) She is a student the first course of university 2) The computer stay at the table. The computer wrong. 3)My sister - teacher 4) The Everest - higher mountain peak. 5) I learned at school last year. 6) The international arbitrage court stay in the Hauge. 7) Atlantic Ocean divides Europe and America. 8) The people of this small town are very kindly. 9) At the evening I usually dinners with my family. 10) My husband’s relatives live in the Far East. So I see them once of five - six years. 11) I went to one store.
There is such a social network "Odnoklassniki". This social network used to be popular. In "Classmates" I learned a lot of interesting things about different animals. In Odnoklassniki you can upload a lot of interesting photos and videos. You can find your friends and send them a message, or talk on a video call. I really like this social network
Есть такая соц сеть "Одноклассники ". Это соц сеть раньше была популярная. В "Одноклассниках" я узнал много интересного про разных животных. В "Одноклассниках " можно выкладывать много интересных фотографий и видео. Ты можешь найти своих друзей и отправить им сообщение, или поговорить по видео звонку. Мне очень нравиться эта соц сеть
2)I will be a nurse next year.