1.When can I talk to anybody?
2.Is there anything here ?
3. I am your teacher! You may ask any question.
4.I can’t see anything on the table.
5.Do you have any problems?
6.Is there anything that you want to tell me?
7. Somebody presents me a flower.
8. Everybody needs friends.
9.This bag is empty. There is nothing in it.
10.There is nobody at college. It is closed.
1. I’ll tell you something interesting.
2. Where can I buy some fruit?
3. Are there any new students in group?
4. Are there any English books on the table?-Yes, there are some.
5. Give me something to read, please.
6.He asks somebody to help him.
7.My husband is in a hurry that is why he asks any shirt.
8.Who did you meet? Nobody ! The party was over.
9. What did Jane say? Nothing! She was angry and didn’t want to talk to me.
10. This hotel is comfortable and everything is clean
1)Everyday I wake up at 6 o`clock, eat breakfast at 7 o`clock and leave for school at 8 o`clock. 2)When my friend called last night, I was watching my favourite quiz show on TV. 3)Kellie goes abroad almost every summer. She has visited more than ten countries so far. Next year she will go to Brasil. 4)Thomas is an author. Altogether, he wrote five novels, three collection of short stories and a book of poetry.
5)Sam was trying to change a light bulb when he slipped and fell on the floor. 6)I`m pretty sure you'll pass your English test successfully, don`t worry!
1. Present Simple - регулярность действия и at 7 o'clock 2. грамматическое клише: When Past Simple(last night), Past Cont. 3. Present Simple - регулярность , но связь с настоящим + so far; Future Simple - будущее и next year 4. Past Simple - обобщение в + altogether 5. грамматическое клише, как во 2-ом случае 6. Предположение о будущем в момент разговора - Future Simple