ответ: o'zbekistonning eng yaxshi sportchilaridan biri fazliddin g'aybnazarov. u 1991 yil 16 iyunda tashent shahri yaqinidagi bekobod shahrida tug'ilgan. ushbu bokschi 2012 yildan beri ko'plab xalqaro musobaqalarda g'olib chiqqan. 2016 yilda rio olimpikada oltin medalni qo'lga kiritgan. u kongo, hindiston, aqsh, rossiya va ozarbayjon bokschilarini mag'lubiyatga uchratdi va nihoyat oltin medalni qo'lga kiritdi. gaibnazarovning navbatdagi jangi 2018 yil 12 may kuni madison square garden-da bo'lib o'tdi. uning raqibi meksikalik bokschi jesus silvera bo'ldi. jang g'aybnazarovning nokautidan keyin 4-raundda yakunlandi. shuningdek, u silveyrani to'xtatgan birinchi bokschi bo'ldi
international match-halqaro musobaqa(match)
gold medal-oltin medal
defeated-g'alaba qozondi
qaysi so'zlar siz uchun yangiligini bilmaganim uchun shularni yozdimp.s. я знаю и узбекский!
man ruscha hamda o'zbekchani bilaman!
Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965).
He is also known as a journalist and writer. The Englishman entered the Big Three, which determined the fate of the world after the end of the Second World War. It was he who in many ways made the world as we know it today. Churchill became the brightest British politician of the last century, he managed to be in power with six monarchs - starting with Queen Victoria and ending with her great-granddaughter Elizabeth II. Churchill's life achievements list simply makes no sense - he managed to become talented in everything. For his political activities, he was made an honorary citizen of the United States, and literary works were awarded the Nobel Prize.
Сэр Уинстон Черчилль (1874-1965).
Он известен также как журналист и писатель. Англичанин вошел в «Большую тройку», определявшую судьбу мира после окончания Второй Мировой войны. Именно он во многом сделал мир таковым, каким мы его сегодня знаем. Черчилль стал самым ярким британским политиком века, он сумел находиться у власти при шести монархах - начиная от королевы Виктории и заканчивая ее праправнучкой Елизаветой II. Жизненные достижения Черчилля перечислять просто нет смысла - он сумел стать талантливым во всем. За свою политическую деятельность его сделали почетным гражданином США, а литературные труды были отмечены Нобелевской премией.
– Here you are, sir. And this is the wine list.
– Well, you may remove it as we are not going to take any drink. We are driving. We mean to have a snack and that’s all. Have you got lobsters?
– I’m sorry, sir, but they are not on the menu.
– And what about salmon?
– No, sorry. We have not.
– What a nuisance! Well, what is that famous food you treat your customers to?
– Chicken broth is our speciality, sir.