My fashionable clothes
I love fashionable clothes. We all know that fashionable clothes are the clothes that everyone likes. And I am no different from others, because we all know the current fashion. I really like loose clothes because they are comfortable. The advantage of loose clothing is that you can hide your shortcomings or complexes. But I wear it because it is beautiful and comfortable for me. In my wardrobe you can find: hoodies, loose clothing, sportswear, and so on. In conclusion, I want to say that everyone should try different styles for a change .
Я очень люблю модную одежду. Все мы знаем что модна одежда - это та одежда которая всем нравится. И я не отличаюсь от других, ведь все мы знаем сейчашнюю моду. Я очень люблю свободную одежду так как она удобная. Плюс свободной одежды в том, что ты можешь скрыть свои недостатки или комплексы. Но я её ношу потому что она для меня красивая и удобная. В моём гардеробе можно встретить: худи, свободная одежда , спортивная и так далее. В заключении хочу сказать, что каждый должен попробовать разные стили для разнообразия .
I have an animal ( У меня есть животное )
A year ago there was a volcano burst ( Год назад произошел взрыв вулкана )
Every boss has a senior ( У каждого начальника есть старший )
A week ago we organized a charity event ( Неделю назад мы устроили благотворительность )
Young Michael , the driver of the postal van, doesn't seem able to remember delivering it. ( Молодой Майкл- шофер почтового фургона - не припоминает, чтобы доставлял его. )
The old man told them about the petrol. ( Старик объяснил, как обстоит дело с бензином. )
There was a plate of french fries between them on the table ( Между ними на столе стояла тарелка с картофелем фри. )
I found this under my windshield wiper. ( Я нашла это у себя под дворником. )
The hall erupted in laughter ( Зал так и грохнул от смеха. )
Death Valley, USA
2)If the Earth is our home, then Death Valley is its scorching hot oven. This stunning desert holds the record for the highest temperature ever recorded on our planet — 134 °F (56.7 °C). No matter how tough you are, the blazing sun and searing heat of Death Valley will make you exhausted very quickly. Without water, you can live here for only 14 hours.
The Danakil Desert, Eritrea
3)Baking temperatures that often top 120 degrees F (50 degrees C), numerous active volcanoes, geysers that spit toxic gases — it’s hard to imagine a more brutal landscape than Africa’s Danakil Desert. Most people would probably consider this terrible place a literal ’’Hell on Earth’’, but it still attracts lots of brave adventurers from all around the world. Just keep in mind that visiting the the Danakil Desert on your own, without an experienced guide, is strictly forbidden.
Mount Washington, USA
4)The summit of Mount Washington holds the world record for the fastest winds on the surface of the Earth. The highest recorded speed here is 203 miles per hour (327 km/h). The strong winds, however, are not the only concern in this area — the freezing temperatures that can drop as low as −40 degrees and continuous heavy snowfalls make Mount Washington a very dangerous place. Despite its modest height — 6,288 feet (1,917 meters ) — Mount Washington is one of the world’s deadliest peaks. The loads that the human body experiences at the top of it can be compared to the ones it would experience on the peak of Mount Everest.
Sinabung Volcano, Indonesia
This is an active volcano situated on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. Eruptions occur here very frequently, often leaving thousands of people without shelter or livelihood. The nearby towns and villages have been completely covered in lava and ash several times already: in 2010, 2013, 2014 and 2015. The latest explosion occurred February 27, 2016. That eruption ejected a deadly cloud of volcanic gas, stones, and ash to a height of 2,500 meters. And no one knows what will happen there tomorrow.
lha da Queimada Grande (Snake Island), Brazil