Hi, today I’ll tell you about the science that measured my whole life. By itself, this is a science about life and people, this science is psychology. It is a very complex but insanely interesting science Whatever article you open, you will find something new for yourself and draw certain conclusions for yourself. Thanks to this science, I learned to understand people, and look at any situation that . happens in my life, on the other hand, and analyze it.Well, such an unexpected science can change everything. As we can see, this is not mathematics, not chemistry, not physics, and TD. I believe that life sciences do not accumulate from the sciences that I have listed.
Перевод на Русский :
Наконец-то наступила эта чудесная пора — осень! Это прекрасное время, когда деревья пестрят разноцветными нарядами, а земля устлана ковром из золотых и багряных листьев.
Прогулка в осеннем сквере — настоящее удовольствие. Неспешно идёшь по дорожке, оглядываешься по сторонам и невольно восхищаешься буйной красотой пейзажа, который открывается твоему взору. Взгляд падает на широкий пёстрый куст калины с её сочными гроздьями ягод. А впереди ты видишь огненно-рыжие клёны, прожилки на листьях которых причудливо выделяются на общем фоне деревьев. Сотворить такое великолепие лишь чародейка-осень. А небо над головой? Оно мрачное и величественное, но в то же время солнышко ещё согревает охладившуюся за ночь землю.
Это удивительная пора — осень!
Перевод на Английский язык :
Finally, this wonderful time has come - autumn! This is a great time when trees are full of colorful outfits, and the ground is covered with a carpet of gold and crimson leaves.
Walking in the autumn square is a real pleasure. Slowly you walk along the path, look around and involuntarily admire the lush beauty of the landscape that opens up to your gaze. Glance falls on a wide motley bush of viburnum with its juicy bunches of berries. And in front you see fiery red maples, veins on the leaves of which are fancifully distinguished from the general background of trees. To create such splendor is only capable of the enchantress-autumn. And the sky above your head? It is gloomy and majestic, but at the same time, the sun still warms the earth cooled during the night.
This is an amazing time - autumn!
My best friend is Ivan. He studies in 7th grade. He lives in Moscow. He looks like a tall guy with black hair, thick eyebrows, big arms, silly eyes, broad shoulders. We are friends about 3 years. All what i like in him is kindness, honour, generosity and all other his qualities.
Honour - честь(производ. от honest - честный), generosity - великодушие(производ. от generous - великодушный), qualities - качества, grade - класс, looks like - выглядит как, broad shoulders - широкие плечи.