Здраствуйте! Вы Анжелла В.? Да, это я. Я очень люблю ваши песни! Вы можете дать мне ваш автограф? Конечно. Возьмите. До свидания. Подождите секунду не уходите! Откуда вы? Я из России. Вы очень хорошо говорите на английском. Вы можете мне с шопингом здесь. Я не говорю на английском хорошо. Конечно. Всегда Хорошо. Вы можете мне с трёмя магазинными асистентами и рассказать мне как сказать эти предложения на английском. ... Оу, я не могу запомнить всё это. Вы можете поговорить с магазинными асистентами за меня?
“Deadmike”. I've just done my first jump since accident that nearly killed me just over a year ago. As I was lying in hospitalafter the accident, I wasn't feeling glad to be alive. Instead, I was wondering how I could possibly live withoutskydiving again.. I was sitting at home thinking "There has to bemore to life than this", when an advert came on the television. "Try skydiving", it said. The next day, I calledmy local skydiving centre and booked my first jump. At the end of a day's training, I signed a document tosay that I understood I was taking part in an activity that could end in serious injury. At that moment Iwondered if I was completely mad. I will never forget my first jump. Five of us walked to the runway and got into a tiny plane. I was beginning tofeel nervous, but the others were chatting and joking, and I started to feel more relaxed. Suddenly, it was time tojump, and as I pushed myself away from the plane, my mind went back. Words cannot describe the rush of adrenalin I experienced while I was free-falling. At five thousand and fivehundred feet I pulled the cord, and the parachute opened immediately. Suddenly, everything was silent andpeaceful. Things were going very well.Another skydivercollided with my parachute. I fell and hit the ground at about thirty mph. I broke both legs, eftelbow, my nose and my jaw. I lost ten pints of blood, nineteen teeth and twenty five pounds of fat.I was lucky to survive. People who have never experienced skydiving will find it hard to understand that my only motivation to getbetter was so that I could do it again. All I can say is that for me, skydiving is life, and life is skydiving.