13 ! легкое ! продолжите 1 речення в вправе текстом на фото, про davida. 9 реченням в этом абзаце ! я просто не знаю как их обьединить . речення закан. на that's why а дальше идет 9 речення с текста it's или как? просто сформ. правильно
My rights as a student. All people have different rights and responsibilities, depending on the conditions in which they are located. Consider my rights as a student of the school. 1. I have the right to receive education. 2. I have the right to demand respectful attitude in school. Regardless of nationality, gender, age, ethnic origin. 3. I also have a right to learn in a clean, non-contaminated rooms. 4. And I have the right to security in the school. Intimidation, threats and violence should not happen. No one is allowed to violate anyone's rights. But, unfortunately, this is not always the case and so many people are deprived of their basic rights.
Определённый артикль the употребляется: *Когда речь идёт об определённом лице или предмете. * Where is the pen? Где ручка? (известная нам) ***Перед существительным, если ему предшествует прилагательное в превосходной степени или порядковое числительное. * What is the longest river in the world? He was the first to come. ***Перед географическими названиями (названиями океанов, морей, рек, горных хребтов, частей света и т. д.) The Indian ocean, the Baltic sea, the North, the Thames, the Alps. ***Перед существительными, единственными в своём роде. What is the highest mountain in the world? *** ***.В ряде выражений, таких как : in the morning, in the evening, in the afternoon, etc. (etc - и т.д.)
All people have different rights and responsibilities, depending on the conditions in which they are located. Consider my rights as a student of the school.
1. I have the right to receive education.
2. I have the right to demand respectful attitude in school. Regardless of nationality, gender, age, ethnic origin.
3. I also have a right to learn in a clean, non-contaminated rooms.
4. And I have the right to security in the school. Intimidation, threats and violence should not happen.
No one is allowed to violate anyone's rights. But, unfortunately, this is not always the case and so many people are deprived of their basic rights.