The Moscow Kremlin is so old! It was founded in _the twelfth century_. In the fifteenth century the Kremlin got _a stone wall_. The most famous _clock_ in Russia is in the Kremlin Spasskaya Tower. The Moscow Kremlin is famous for _its churches and cathedrаls_.
Московский Кремль такой старый! Он был основан в XII веке (в 1147 году). В пятнадцатом веке вокруг Кремля построили каменную стену. Самые известные в России часы находится в башне Кремля. Московский Кремль славится своими церквями и соборами.
I am buying a new CD for you.
That's nice of you! Thanks! I am drinking how chocolate at the moment and Sarah is eating a cake.
Where is Peter? He is not answering his phone.
He's here. That's because his phone is not working. He's walking into the café right now.
Great! I am leaving the shop now. See you in a bit.