Make up your own dialogue on the following situation: you are going to see your friend who has been away on a trip to the aral sea area. find out what is ecological situation there.
Составьте свой собственный диалог о следующей ситуации: вы собираетесь увидеть вашего друга, который был в поездке в районе Аральского моря. Узнайте, что такое экологическая ситуация там.
1. They were in London last month. 2. Who of your friends speaks English? 3. How many lessons do you have every day? 4. I wasn't at home yesterday, I went for a walk. 5. He usually sleeps well. But last night he slept bad. 6.Is your sister a doctor? — Yes, she became a doctor two years ago. 7. He didn't shave today because he didn't have time. 8. Do you get up early on Sunday? - Yes. But last Sunday I slept till ten o’clock. 9. When did you leave the meeting yesterday? 10. Did she enjoy the film, which we saw last week?
As a child I loved to walk through the woods, watching nature and those around me. Walking through the woods I was very interested, as well as soothing. What could be better than to lie down on the grass, reading a book, enjoying the voices of birds? One day, doing exactly what is written earlier, I heard a quiet squeal in my ears. I did not move. It was a mosquito. Those 5 seconds, during which time I looked at him, would replace 2:00 brozhdeniya through the woods in search of something interesting. I managed to see his nose. He appeared elongated. The eyes were similar to the small beads. A few seconds later he flew. But this time I remember for a lifetime.