1. I’m sure Barry is at home at the moment. (must) Barry
2. There is a possibility that I’ll go to Paris next month. (might) I
3. When I was young, I was able to run faster. (could) I
4. I’m sure Susan isn’t the robber. (can’t) Susan
5. Perhaps Louise will come with me. (may) Louise
6. You don’t need to wake up early tomorrow. (needn’t) You
7. We aren’t allowed to take pictures in the museum. (mustn’t) We
B. Rewrite the sentences using the words given.
1. Barry must be at home at the moment.
2. I might go to Paris next month.
3. When I was young, I could run faster.
4. Susan can’t be the robber.
5. Louise may come with me.
6. You needn’t wake up early tomorrow.
7. We mustn’t take pictures in the museum.
1. If you will post the letter today, it will arrive there by Thursday
2. If I had a million pounds, I would buy a yacht
3 If I knew that he had to get up early, I would wake him up.
4. A porter will Come If you rang the bell
5 If we won we will get through to the final
6. If people eat so many sweets, their teeth will fall out
7. It would be awful If you lost your pasport
8. If we were not hurry, the other would go without us
9. If you told me before, I will book the seats at the theatre
10. If you found a job abroad would you take it?
11. If I missed the train this afternoon I would get a taxi instead
12. If you wanted to buy someone a really good present, what sort of thing would you look for?
13. If she wasnt wear a seat belt, she would be seriosly injured
14. She will soon feel better If she followed the doctor's advice
15. What do you do If someone gave you a diamond neklace?
16.Will you sell your car Last month If you were a millionaire?
17. If I won the lottery I would go travelling around the world
18 If he was hungry, he will eat something
19. If you was the prime minister, what would you do?
20. If I were you, I would go to the doctor
21. If your children weren't behave properly, the teacher would have to punish.
2. He has no dog.
3. My father has a new car.
4. She has neither brothers nor sisters.
5. We have a new big flat.