1 The nickname of the British flag is The Union Jack.
2 London taxies are yellow and black.
3 The name of the national Scottish costume is kilt.
4 The other name for the Houses of Parliament is Palace of Westminster.
5 The Greek explorer and geographer Pytheas introduced the name "Britannia".
6 Irish, Scottish, and Manx are still spoken.
7 Druids were people in ancient Britain and France who served a wide variety of roles: philosophers, teachers, judges.
8 The famous temple of the Druids is Stonehenge.
9 Boadicea was a Celtic queen who led a revolt against Roman rule in ancient Britain.
10 Julius Caesar attacked Britain in 55 ВС.
2. Children will come to summer camp in a week.
3. We bought TV last year and we often watch filmes now.
4. When mum is cooking dinner (или supper, непонятно по контексту, можешь выбирать какой хочешь) children are drawing in the living room.
5. He has been learning foreign languages but he haven't learned yet yet.
6. Ducks often swim in the lake but we seldom go there for feeding them.
7. He will go to the cinema and then he will go to friend's house.
8. We are cooking so much because we have already been learning at cook's courses for several mounth.
9. At the moment he is drinking tea with cake and wafers
10. They have been to the lake on several occasions in this year.