The recipe of apple pie. (Рецепт яблочного пирога).
Step 1. Mix flour, cinnamon and salt in a bowl. (Смешайте муку, корицу и соль в одной миске).
Step 2. Continuing to whisk, add the flour mixture into the egg mixture. Whisk until it is a homogeneous mass. (Продолжая взбивать, добавьте мучную смесь в яичную. Взбивайте до тех пор, пока масса не станет однородной).
Step 3. Cut apples into small cubes. (Нарежьте яблоки маленькими кубиками).
Step 4. Put the apples into a baking dish, and cover with the egg-flour mixture. (Положите яблочки в форму для выпекания и вылейте на них яично-мучную смесь).
Step 5. Put in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, and bake for 30-40 minutes. (Поставьте в духовку, разогретую до 180 градусов, и выпекате 30-40 минут).
Step 6. Let the apple pie cool down and sprinkle it with powdered sugar. (Дайте вашему яблочному пирогу остыть и затем посыпьте его сахарной пудрой).
The secret side of me (Зэ сикрет сайд оф ми) I never let you see. (Ай невэ лет ю си) I keep it caged but I can’t control it. (Ай кип ит кейджд бат ай кэнт контрол ит) So stay away from me: the beast is ugly. (Соу стэй эвэй фром ми зэ бист ис агли) I feel the rage and I just can’t hold it. (Ай фил зэ рэйдж энд ай джаст кэнт холд ит)
It’s scratchin on the walls (итс скрэтчин он зэ волс) In the closet, in the halls. (Ин зэ клоузет ин зэ холс) It comes awake and I can’t control it. (Ит камс эвэйк энд Ай кэнт контрол ит) Hidin under the bed (хайдин андэ зэ бэд) In my body, in my head.(Ин май бади ин май хэд) Why won’t somebody come and save me from this? (Уай воунт самбади кам энд сэйв ми фром зис) Make it end. ( Мэйк ит энд)
I, I feel like a monster! ( Ай фил лайк а монстэ) I, I feel like a monster! I, I feel like a monster! I, I feel like a monster!
My mother is disappointed with me because I do not usually go to church at Easter. She is a believer in the Catholic faith and she loves Christ, so on Good Friday she marks Christ death on the Cross. I. I am thinking about my degree seriously. A. Have you ever been to London? No, I have never been. B. My father has given to me this present for my birthday. C. My brother has lived in London for a long time. D. We have not packed our suitcases yet. E. My friend has already joined in the festival. F. Mr. John Daily has not come to our house since last June. G. Thanksgiving, a national holiday has been celebrated in the USA since 17th century. H. Molly has been interested in women since she was a little girl. I. Have you already sent your auntâs birthday card? J. I have already been dressing up since this morning! K. Michael has been furious with his girlfriend for months.
Step 1.
Mix flour, cinnamon and salt in a bowl. (Смешайте муку, корицу и соль в одной миске).
Step 2.
Continuing to whisk, add the flour mixture into the egg mixture. Whisk until it is a homogeneous mass. (Продолжая взбивать, добавьте мучную смесь в яичную. Взбивайте до тех пор, пока масса не станет однородной).
Step 3.
Cut apples into small cubes. (Нарежьте яблоки маленькими кубиками).
Step 4.
Put the apples into a baking dish, and cover with the egg-flour mixture. (Положите яблочки в форму для выпекания и вылейте на них яично-мучную смесь).
Step 5.
Put in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, and bake for 30-40 minutes. (Поставьте в духовку, разогретую до 180 градусов, и выпекате 30-40 минут).
Step 6.
Let the apple pie cool down and sprinkle it with powdered sugar. (Дайте вашему яблочному пирогу остыть и затем посыпьте его сахарной пудрой).
DONE! (Готово!) :)