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One day I thought of going to the mountains. I decided to invite my friends and to take my camera. I like traveling in an open air and take pictures of wonderful and unforgettable views and then recollect them. First of all I thought of inviting my close friend Nick. When I came to see him he was sitting in a soft and cosy armchair watching TV. I must say he's very lazy. He doesn't like moving, dancing or traveling. He's not a bad boy but because of his style of life he is rather fat and awkward. I told him about my plans. He listened to me attentively and then he said that he prefers watching football by TV rather than going on a hike.I tried to convince him but he was sure that watching TV on a sofa or playing computer games was more convenient for him than wandering among the mountains. I was in despair, my best friend didn't support me, he didn't want to help me. I understood that my plans were going to fail. He didn't want to decide my problems, he thought only about his own problems. That was my friend Nick but I'm not going to give up.I decided to fight for him up to the end. I'll make him to go to the mountains, I'll make him to play football and he will understand that playing football in an open air is more exiting and interesting than watching TV sitting in an armchair.
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Название кельты (Celts) происходит от греческого Keltoi – так древние греки называли "варваров" из центральной Европы.

Считается, что кельтские племена сначала жили в верховьях Рейна и Дуная. Оттуда с 13-12 вв. до н.э. началось расселение кельтов по континенту, а с 6-5 веков до н. э. – по Британии. Предполагают, что к 3 веку до н.э. все Британские острова были подчинены кельтским племенам.

Всего по Британии и Ирландии расселилось около 50 кельтских племен. Всё кельтское население Британии делилось на воинов, жрецов (друидов) и рабов.

Кельты разделялись на две группы, говорившие на различных диалектах: одну из этих групп составляли «гойделы» или «гаэлы»; они пришли первыми и заменили жившее на острове население. В настоящее время язык гаэлов сохранился лишь в некоторых районах Ирландии, на севере Шотландии и на острове Мэн. Около 400 г. до н. э. на острова переселяются из Галлии родственные гаэлам бритты. Они вели себя, как завоеватели. Примерно в это время появляются в Британии железные орудия и оружие, колесницы. У бриттов были развиты земледелие и скотоводство; они применяли гончарный круг, тяжелый колесный плуг, ручную мельницу; занимались ткачеством, обрабатывали шкуры животных, разрабатывали рудники, вели торговлю с приезжавшими с континента купцами. Можно сказать, что на их языке говорят в настоящее время валлийцы (жители Уэльса) в Великобритании и бретонцы (население полуострова Бретань) во Франции; на нем говорили еще в XVIII столетии жители Корнуэльса.

Все эти народы принадлежали к числу варваров. У них не было городов. Города стали появляться позднее. Кельты Британских островов разделялись на племена, которые состояли из семейств, связанных между собою кровными узами, и подчинялись военачальникам, носившим название «королей». Они не составляли цельной нации: соперничество между племенами, постоянно вступавшими в междоусобную борьбу, облегчило римлянам завоевании Британии.

4,8(21 оценок)
Famous hero of Kazakh history, Tole-bi, a legendary figure who left a bright mark on the fate of his people. A great star among statesmen and public figures; a philosopher, jurist and diplomat, rose on the horizon of the history of the Kazakh people three and a half centuries ago. According to historical records, he was born in summer of 1663 on the territory of the modern Zhambyl region at the Zhaisan Zhailyau, adjacent to the River Shu, near Aulie-Ata (the modern day Taraz).

The date of his death varies in different sources. Most of them mention 1756. However, according to the well-known sinologist Clara Khafizova, in Chinese sources the date of Tole-bi’s death is 1758. He died in the Akburhan Orda area, which is located in the south Kazakhstan region, in an area which today bears his name. However, Tole-bi was buried in Tashkent, near Khan Yunus, the grandfather of the great Babur. Today, his mausoleum is called Tole-bi (but is sometimes referred to as the mausoleum of Karlygash).Tole-bi today is an example of fidelity to the path of justice and peace. It is said that he was blessed on this path by Elder Anet baba, nearly a century old at the time, who said, “It seemed to me that you were the son of the house, but it turns out that you are a son of the people. Be the rising of the dawn, the star of happiness in the fate.”
It is hard to find a person comparable to Tole-bi in Kazakh history. He played a truly historic role at the junction of two centuries filled with momentous events for the people. One period of his life was associated with the era of Khan Tauke, when peace and tranquillity reigned in Kazakh society. They say this was the time when “larks laid eggs on the backs of sheep.” Another, more significant part of Tole-bi’s life came during hard times, when the existence of over 1.5 million Kazakhs was under threat from Junggar aggression and proximity to major powers.Tole-bi’s legend has spread from Kazakhstan to its neighbours Russia, China, Mongolia, Iran, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. When on June 10, 1734, Russian Empress Anna Ioanovna sent a response to Khan Zholbarys about joining Russia, she acknowledged Tole-bi as an influential person of the Great Zhuz (an alliance of Kazakh nomadic tribes; one of three in Kazakhstan).
Historiographical reflection on Tole-bi’s personality began after Kazakhstan’s sovereignty. Soviet historiography insisted on a negative assessment of the role of biis (noble judges) and court of biis. In many ways, this attitude came from the fact that biis were members of the nobility. However, it would not be possible to imagine the full history of the Kazakh people, especially the period associated with the strengthening of Kazakh-Russian relations, without Tole-bi. Moreover, Tole-bi was a real historian of experienced events, summing up past experience and taking lessons from it.
It is no accident that Tauke Khan appointed Tole-bi to manage the Great Zhuz. His socio-legal activities fit the coherent system of the state apparatus that the Khan had built. Tole Alibekuly received the title of “father of biis” (a Turkic title meaning governor).
We should pay tribute to the far-sightedness of Tauke Khan, who knew that the principles of justice proposed by Tole-bi for creating a set of laws, Zheti Zhargy (Seven Codes), would be understood by Kazakh society. Kozhabergen-zhyrau, writing Dastan Baba Til (“The language of ancestors”), emphasised loyalty to the principles of Tole-bi in defending the homeland and the people: He was as an innovator when he introduced experiments, based on wide life experience and observation, in the court of biis.
The example of Tole-bi’s life and his legacy continue to be relevant today. Armed with deep knowledge of the traditional law of the Kazakhs and the progressive canons of Islam, Tole-bi warned against false patriotism and perverted religion.
The current generation in Kazakhstan is experiencing a renaissance of national history. We are fortunate that we are really reaping the fruits of independence, the foundation of which was laid by figures like Tole-bi. Thanks to the policy pursued by President Nursultan Nazarbayev, our society is implementing large-scale projects to revive historic memory and renew and strengthen historical consciousness. History is needed not only by a rejuvenated nation, but by future generations as well, and its stories should be complete, objective and tolerant. The task of the future is to draw the worthy lessons. That was the dream of the elder Tole-bi.
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