2. I wondered Jame had been Lon’s devoted friend.
3. I wondered was possible to get seats for the new performance.
4. I wondered Diana ever had bren to the Bolshoi box office.
5. I wondered was the dramatist writing a new comedy by now.
6. I wondered everyone had noticed the elegance of the scenery on the stage.
7. I wondered why was there so much cruelty in the film.
8. I wondered how long was the interwals between the acts.
9. I wondered Maria recieved me e-mail yesterday.
10. I wondered what theatre they went in the first place.
11. I wondered how we can reply to this greeting.
The boys run
I get up
Усли там Pres. Cont. нужен, тогда:
Mary is fishing
The boys are running
I am getting up