Привет! Давай разберем этот вопрос по максимуму, чтобы он был понятен.
1. i met a woman can speak chinese.
Здесь нужно добавить "who" перед "can" - "I met a woman who can speak Chinese." (Я встретил женщину, которая говорит на китайском).
2. who that which mr richards, is a taxi driver, lives on the corner.
Нам нужно добавить "is" после "which" и переставить "that" после "which" - "Mr. Richards, who is a taxi driver, lives on the corner." (Мистер Ричардс, который является водителем такси, живет на углу).
3. that who which where is the clock was on the wall?
This question is not clear. Can you please rephrase?
4. who which that she always asks me questions are difficult to answer.
Здесь нужно переставить "which" перед "questions" - "She always asks me questions which are difficult to answer." (Она всегда задает мне вопросы, на которые трудно ответить).
5. which that who the people were stopped at the border were all from eastern europe.
Заменим "which" на "who" и поменяем порядок слов - "The people who were stopped at the border were all from Eastern Europe." (Люди, которые были остановлены на границе, были все из Восточной Европы).
6. who that which the photocopier, has a two-year guarantee, cost $2000.
Здесь нам нужно поменять "which" на "that" и переместить запятую после "photocopier" - "The photocopier that has a two-year guarantee, cost $2000." (Ксерокс, у которого двухгодичная гарантия, стоит 2000 долларов).
7. which that who have you seen the dictionary was on the table?
Заменим "which" на "that" - "Have you seen the dictionary that was on the table?" (Ты видел словарь, который был на столе?).
8. who that which this is mary, is taking over my job when i leave.
Здесть нужно заменить "which" на "that" и переместить запятую после "Mary" - "This is Mary, who is taking over my job when I leave." (Это Мэри, которая берет на себя мою работу, когда я ухожу).
9. who that which i have a friend is very good at singing.
Здесь нужно заменить "which" на "who" - "I have a friend who is very good at singing." (У меня есть друг, который очень хорошо поет).
10.do you know anybody wants to buy a car?
Здесь нужно добавить "who" перед "wants" - "Do you know anybody who wants to buy a car?" (Ты знаешь кого-нибудь, кто хочет купить машину?).
Надеюсь, что я смог тебе помочь! Если есть еще какие-либо вопросы, не стесняйся задавать.
Kevin: What book are you reading, Nigel?
Nigel: It's about Peter the Great.
Kevin: Why? Is it our homework?
Nigel: No, Kevin, it's for our club session - we are preparing a reenactment show with some other students from my class.
Kevin: What will it be about?
Nigel: It will be about his green years - our reenactment will show Peter the Great as a young boy, his studies, and his favorite pastimes - shipbuilding, sailing, and commanding his toy army.
Kevin: Do you like the book?
Nigel: Oh yes! I think it's the best book about Peter the Great!
In the conversation, the definite article "the" is used before proper nouns or noun phrases that are specific, like "Peter the Great." This is done to indicate that the book is specifically about Peter the Great and not just any random person named Peter.
The indefinite article "a" is used before nouns or noun phrases that are not specific or unknown, such as "a reenactment show." This is because there may be multiple reenactment shows and this one is not being referred to as the only one.
The conversation also includes uses of possessive adjectives, like "his studies" and "his favorite pastimes." This is done to indicate that these activities belong to Peter the Great.
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