Health. What is health as such? I believe that health cannot be considered only as a physical condition of a person. Health-harmony of spirit, soul and body. Spirit is an internal, moral force. Soul - the inner, psychic world of a person, his consciousness. "The body is the temple of God in which the Holy Spirit lives," as the Apostle Paul writes. And the Christian is called to keep his body in moral and physical purity. The word of God compares a person to a thread in Ecclesiastes 4:12: "and a thread that is twisted three times will not soon break" if you spend some time in reasoning, you can't help but come to the conclusion that, on The contrary, physical health depends on the health of the spiritual component of a person. Spiritual health is the health of the mind. What does it mean? I think that this is the ability to live in harmony with yourself, family, friends, and other people. Of course, a person who, being developed only spiritually, performs good deeds and thus brings benefits to society deserves more respect than someone who has high achievements in sports disciplines, but at the same time, is a being with low moral qualities, satisfying only their primitive needs.
Each of us knows from childhood that health should be protected. Joy and happiness, health and longevity are necessary for each of us. By leading a healthy lifestyle, we are strengthened physically and spiritually.
Talking with children about a healthy lifestyle, we talk with them about proper nutrition, exercise, hygiene, rest, mood, moral actions, study, about life, bad habits, and about love for yourself and the world around you.
Our health depends on many factors. In the wise counsels of Saint Theophan of the vyshensk monastery, we read the following lines:
"Health is a gift from God.(III,471)... Health is a duty to protect (p. 401) ...Health is like a horse. If you drive, there's nothing to drive. Every day to be in the fresh air and sleep enough, you can eat and drink less Work hard – it's a sacred thing. And labor will not leave a ruinous mark… Health does not depend on food alone, but most of all on peace of mind. Restless spirit and passion spoil the blood and significantly harm health"(c.402)
Health is not just the absence of diseases, it is a state of physical, mental and social well – being.
In the old Testament sets out the basic principles of human life: "Better a poor man healthy and strong forces, than the rich man with emaciated body; health and well-being of the body more than any gold, and a strong body is better untold wealth; no wealth better physical health, and no joy above the joy of the heart; better death than a bitter life or a persistent disease." (Ser. 30:14-170)
Among the many sins that destroy a person, the Orthodox Church names seven deadly sins: gluttony, drunkenness, debauchery, greed, anger, pride, despondency, which are not compatible with a healthy lifestyle. It is difficult to call a dull, dissatisfied person healthy, as well as gluttony, greed, and bad habits – a sign of a healthy lifestyle.
How can I explain to children that their health depends on them in many ways? This is a difficult and long way to their consciousness in the modern world, with various temptations and poor ecology. I would paraphrase a proverb: "A healthy body has a healthy mind." You will have a healthy mind and a healthy body.
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