It is difficult to imagine our life without shopping. On one hand, it’s one of quite important household tasks. Moreover, shopping is the way to get necessary food and clothes. So, if you don’t do it you can’t have all things which make your life so comfortable.On the other hand, it’s believed that for the vast majority of people going shopping is not just duty or necessity but a real pleasure. As far as I know there is so called shopping therapy that helps people to reduce stress buying different goods or even just going window shopping.As for me, I don’t belong to such group of people. Shopping doesn’t make me happy and sometimes it can even become a nightmare. When I can’t find things which I need, I can get annoyed and even stressed. Thus, I go shopping only when I don’t have any other choices. I usually go to a supermarket to buy some food once or twice a week. There is a huge shopping center near my house, so I can buy everything I need in one place. From time to time when I need something urgently I can look in a local shop nearby. I normally go shopping alone, that’s why I can do it quickly and effectively. I always make a shopping list before going.Nowadays it’s becoming more and more popular to shop online. I’m firmly convinced that it’s the most comfortable way. You just surf the Internet and look through the enormous range of goods. Moreover, you can compare prices and find a real bargain. Also, you can have your purchases delivered. It’s amazingly easy and saves a lot of time and energy. Thus, if you’re not a fan of shopping like me, do it online.
Текст на русском: Мой любимый день недели — воскресенье, потому что в этот день вся семья в сборе. Больше всего люблю, когда мы все сидим за столом, обедаем, не спешим и рассказываем друг другу новости. Даже самый маленький человек в нашей семье, который еще ходит в детский садик, тоже рассказывает о садике. Вечером устраиваем шашечный турнир или смотрим передачи по телевидению. Мне хорошо, когда мы вместе. На английском: My favorite day of the week - Sunday, because on that day the whole family to gather. Most of all I love, when we all sit at the table having dinner, not in a hurry and tell each other news. Even the smallest person in our family, who still goes to kindergarten, also talks about the garden. In the evening we arrange checkers tournament or watch televised. I feel good when we're together.
Я бы хотел жить в небольшой деревушке где-нибудь возле гор и озер или же в лесу, в тихом и уединенном месте. Мне очень нравится вся эта атмосфера уюта и тишины. Это было бы замечательно. Жить возле гор и озер, пейзаж был бы просто восхитительным! Чувство волшебства не покидали бы меня на протяжении всего дня. Такие замечательные деревни на самом деле существуют. И многие из них находятся в Швейцарии. Я бы очень сильно хотел жить там. I would like to live in a small village somewhere near the mountains and lakes, or in the forest, in a quiet and secluded location. I like the whole atmosphere of comfort and tranquility. That would be wonderful. To live near mountains and lakes, the landscape would be just delightful! A sense of magic would not leave me for the whole day.Such wonderful village actually exist. And many of them are in Switzerland. I would very much like to live there.
Thus, if you’re not a fan of shopping like me, do it online.