Hans had come home and went to sleep. The next day he took out Mr. Millers sheep on the mountain. In the afternoon Hans had brought the sheep to Mr. Miller and asked when Mr. Miller would give back his barrow adding that he had done enough for him. Mr. Miller answered that Hans was ungrateful and he hadn't expect that Hans was like that. He added that Hans must dig his garden the next day. Hans was sad and went home. When Hans was near his home he met the man who was carring heavy boxes. Hans asked if he could help that man. The man agreed and asked the name of Hans. "My name is Hans, and you?," said Hans. "My name is Macco. Let's be friends" asked he. Hans was happy and agreed. Macco thanked Hans and led Hans to his home. When they were near Hans' home, Hans said: "Oh, no! My flowers are going to die!" Macco offered to water his flowers. He had watered the flowers and went away. Hans was very happy and forgot Mr. Miller's commission. The next day Hans and Macco suggested going for a walk. In the evening they met Mr. Miller. He was very angry and was shouting at Hans: "I was waiting you! Do the friends act like that?" Hans answered that Mr. Miller wasnät his friend adding that he had understood who Mr. Miller was and he had a true friend." After that Hans hadn't been cold more, because he had a true friend. прощения, но могут быть ошибки :)
1) A mouse is smaller than a cat. 2) A peacock is the most beautiful bird in the Moscow Zoo. 3) Dogs are heavier than mice. 4) Ostriches can't fly. 5) Ostriches are the biggest birds. 6) The largest animal in the world is the blue whale. 7) A hare's ears are very long. Sharks have no ears at all. 8) A giraffe is slower than a cheetah. A cheetah is the fastest animal in the world. 9) The blue whale is the largest mammal. 10) The Asian elephant is bigger than the Nile crocodile. 11) Alligators are as dangerous as crocodiles. 12) Not all pigs are pink.