Yesterday I won 1000000 $!and i have already decided what i want to buy!First of all i want to buy a big flat in the city center!I`ll have parties there with my friends.The next step is to buy a car.I have always wanted "Audi".It i fast and very beautiful!
My dream is to travel around Europe!I am going to buy tickets tomorrow and have a good holiday with my parents!
I also want to give some money to charity.Because children in S.Africa cant even drink and eat.I want to help them as i have some spare money.I will help my parents to end the repairing of their house and i also plan to buy a present for their comming wedding anniversery.
I attend vocal lessons twice a week. These Tuesdays and Saturdays are the the best days of the week for me. One can say – what can be so special about vocal lessons? you either can sing, or cannot, that’s it. Oh, this is far from truth.
Being a good vocalist is a hard work, endless practicing and always a ladder to climb. You’ve got to learn how to breathe properly, to make dozens of exercises, and study your capabilities. It is always a musical training, and there is a lot of theory to learn too. For me vocal lessons are the best way to realize my creative potential. And at the same time this occupation gives me so much enjoyment and fun!
I think it’s very good to have a hobby, which brightens up your life, gives inspiration and makes you overcome daily routine.
Дважды в неделю я посещаю уроки вокала. Для меня эти четверги и субботы - лучшие дни недели. Кто-то скажет - что особенного в уроках вокала? Ты или умеешь петь, или нет. Но это далеко от правды. Быть хорошим вокалистом - это тяжелый труд, бесконечные упражнения, постоянная лестница вверх. Нужно научиться правильно дышать, выполнять десятки упражнений, познавать свои Это постоянные музыкальные упражнения, и много теории для изучения. Для меня уроки вокала - лучший раскрыть свой творческий потенциал. В то же время, это занятие приносит мне много удовольствия и веселья. Я считаю, прекрасно иметь хобби, которое делает жизнь ярче, приносит вдохновение и справиться с ежедневной рутиной.
2) You play chess
3) He walks in the park.
4) She writes a letter.
5) it floats in the river
6. We play footbal.
7. Mike and Nick play football.
8. They ask a question.