My First Chat Room Experience
Perhaps some of the most amusing sites to visit on the Internet are the online communities. Given this topic, I was forced, although it was inevitable experience hardly avoidable, to do some self exploration by entering the intriguing world of chat communities. Communities designed for talk, friendship, romance, entertainment, education, support, or even pleasure. With the variety of topics I had the opportunity to explore, I was exposed to all of these options. Initially, my first experience was frustrating and awkward. However, as I became more familiar with the sites, I was able to navigate around quicker and acquire helpful information and resources. In essence, entering the online community world has offered me unparalleled experiences which have strengthened me both educationally and emotionally.
Ps. Сории если слова сложные не знала как другими словами написать
Ex 1
1. Deborah took Willy home eight years ago.
2. Deborah has lived with Willy for eight years.
3. Deborah wrote a book five years ago.
4. Willy became a star since the book was written.
5. Willy has had his wheels for six years.
Ex 2
1. People have used dogs for protection and as friends since 10,000 BC.
2. People have had cats for killing rats for 9,000 years.
3. Scientists say people have ridden horses since 4,000 BC.
4. People have liked watching hamsters running on their wheels since they have had them as pets.
5. Bugs Bunny has been a famous rabbit since he was created.
6. The Chinese have kept goldfish in their homes for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years.
He wrote a lot of poetry and stories. I have a favorite poem. Не wrote it in 1833. It's called is Autumn. It is very nice and interesting poetry. I found it when I was a little girl (boy).
I quickly learned this poem. Since then, this is my favorite poem