Thanks to Elsebeth, Anne Mette and Lene for the good song.
The factory will begin to produce next year.
The border closure also restricted humanitarian access to internally displaced people on the Somali side of the border.
I want to be surrounded by the people who love me and the people that I love.
Рабочая сила в преимущественно аграрной стране имеет явную тенденцию к размещению в территориальных границах своей деятельности.
The bridge got the official name "The bridge of Tsar Alexander III".
Sweaters are to be washed by mother Nazuna, because they're difficult.'
The newly expanded legion was authorized to consist of 1,000 men.
Діалог на тему “Подорож до Києва” на англійській
Agent: Good morning! We begin our tour around Kyive.
Mrs. Banem: What places of interest are we going to see in Kyiv?
Agent: We are visiting to see historical and cultural places. They are Kyiv-Pecherska Lavra, the Golden Gates. Podil, St. Volodymyr’s Cathedral, St. Andrew’s Church, St. Sophia’s Cathedral, monuments to Prince Volodymyr, Bohdan Khmelnytsky, Taras Shevchenko.We’ll show you the famous monument to founders of Kyiv – Kyi, Shchek , Khoriv and a young sister Lybid.
Interesting places!
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