See seen Do done Drink drunk Bring brought Sing sung Make made Catch caught Ring rung Leave left Feed fed Arrive arrived Swim swum Fall fallen Fly flown Give given Read read Hear heard Findo found Come come
PP-We have bought a new TV set-Мы купили новый телевизор . The students have left the room-Студенты ушли из комнаты . The train has just arrived-Поезд только что прибыл. She hasn't written the test yet-Она ещё не закончила контрольную. I have known him for years-Я знаю его много лет . He has written about a hundred novels-Он написал около ста романов. PS-He read this book 2 years ago. How did you spend your holidays? The students took part in the play, didn't they? I was in the theater yesterday and I didn't see my sister there. Did you tell you friends about the project?
1. with staring eyes/ bug-eyed/with bulging eyes 2. a wonderful / an amazing storyteller 3. charm 4. a funny adventure 5. a cosy/comfortable house 6. the contents of the book 7. a short speech 8. an impressive/spectacular landscape (scenery) 9. to have the job done / to cope with one's work 10. the latest edition / the most recent edition 11. an observant boy 12. an active /movable /agile teenager 13. kneeling; on one's knees; in/on one's lap 14. let me know 15. instead of the teacher 16. to impress friends / to make an impression on one's friends 17. to swallow books 18. a delightful librarian 19. to be absorbed by the novel 20. a dangerous adventure 21. serious contents 22. a tiny chatterbox/ a small or tiny talker 23. since then/since that time/from that time on 24. not to be ridiculous /(don't make me laugh - не смешите меня) 25. to break the spell 26. a rare edition of the book
Do done
Drink drunk
Bring brought
Sing sung
Make made
Catch caught
Ring rung
Leave left
Feed fed
Arrive arrived
Swim swum
Fall fallen
Fly flown
Give given
Read read
Hear heard
Findo found
Come come