Two weeks ago we went on our exchange trip to England. (ту уикс эˈгоу уи уэнт он ˈaуэр иксˈчейндж трип ту ˈинглэнд.)
We stayed at Springfield School. (уи стейд эт ˈспринˌфилд скул.)
Every morning we had English lessons, and in the evenings we took part in sporting on entertaining activities. (ˈеври ˈмонин уи хэд ˈинглиш ˈлеснз, энд ин зи ˈивнинз уи тук пат ин ˈспотин он ˌентэˈтейнин экˈтивитиз.)
Every day we visited different famous sights of the capital or went on excursions to other cities. (ˈеври дей уи ˈвизитид ˈдифрэнт ˈфеймэс сайтс ов зэ ˈкэпитл о уэнт он иксˈкёшэнз ту ˈазэ ˈситиз.)
We spent a week a London. (уи спент э уик э ˈландэн.)
Everybody enjoyed the trip. (ˈеврибоди инˈджойд зэ трип.)
Вот тебе одно
Dear Edward,
Thank you for your letter. Sorry I couldn’t write you back earlier.
I totally understand your position about pocket money and the way you want to spend them, because I’ve got a similar situation or even worse: my parents never give me any money for doing some housework. They only give me some everyday money to take lunch at school and some extra-money before holydays. And I should say, that it’s not much at all. Usually I try to save up enough money to buy some closes of jewelry. And my parents think that it’s a regular way to spend money for a teenager.
Anyway, you've mentioned a picnic. How was it by the way? Did you have fun? Were there a lot of people?
I've got to go as my father is asking me to help him with his car.
Write back soon,
Best wishes,
My thoughts about the profession of trainer
Each person chooses his goal in life, focusing on their ability to ability. I think that people are for something special in life. I would like to become a sport trainer. I want to look good and have good health. I really like to be with people. I like to give advice and help people. Trainer monitors the training of athletes, prepares them for competitions. Trainer leads athletes to a higher level, improving the results. The main tasks of a trainer is to study and maximum use of individual physical and psychological resources of the sportsman, to properly distribute the load, intensity and mode of training that an sportsmanhad time to recuperate. The trainer also needs to know an effective remedy their wards. He or she must also make the best use and methods of physical, technical, tactical, psychological and theoretical training for best results. The trainer has to see the status sportsman`s health, emotional support and for win. Trainers for people whose love sports are a family man "second mom". Every sport trainer will be happy to see the result of their work. Every trainer wants to achieve good results, so that his student-sportsman rises to champion. This process requires patience, long years of self-control training for an objective assessment of achievements and failures, the willingness to enhance skills, improve, honesty in work (especially when working with children). In financial terms, trainer`s salaries can vary times. It`s one thing to be a trainer of children in one of the state sports schools, as well as receive about 5 000 rubles a month, something quite different - train Russian football`s team with a salary of 2 000 000 dollars a year. When you start to work as a trainer it must be mentally prepared for a small salary There are negative aspects too. Trainer , as a rule, has the only day off - Sunday. But canceled any output, if it gets the championship.
One of my idols is a rhythmic gymnastics trainer Irina Viner. The quest for purpose and that she never gives up like me. She coached gymnast Alina Kabaeva which has made great strides thanks to Irina Viner
I shall be very glad if I could become a trainer, and I`ll do anything to me it happened. I liked this competition. I can write about my dream! Thank you very much!