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15.04.2021 03:46 •  Английский язык

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Black gold is a figured paraphrase of the word "oil". This expression is so often used in everyday conversations, in news, movies, books and of course on the Internet, that it would seem that finding the source of this expression is not such a difficult task. But it turned out that the problem is not so simple.
Why is oil called black gold?In general, gold is used to refer to everything that is important and useful for a person. Everyone knows for sure such an expression as his "golden hands". Or she has a "golden heart". Oil is really an important and useful resource. Therefore, it is not without reason that it is associated with gold.
Oil definitely has similar features to this precious metal. Even in spite of the fact that the oil is liquid and the gold is solid.
Both oil and gold are minerals that lie in the bowels of the earth. To find them and get them, it is necessary to make great efforts. And the amount of both that and other fossil is limited. Both oil and gold are related to non-renewable resources. Therefore, they require a reasonable, balanced and careful attitude.
Both oil and gold have great value. Gold is a financial instrument. Oil is a source of energy. At the same time both oil and gold find application in industry.
Oil feverAt certain periods of our history, gold became the cause of the phenomenon, which was called the "gold rush." People from all over the world came to a certain place, which was rumored to be rich in gold. The explorers bought perspective plots of land and began to develop them in search of this precious metal. Someone was lucky, and he became incredibly rich, someone was spending the last money to buy plots that did not bring anything except disappointment.
In the second half of the nineteenth century, oil for a while also became the cause of the "oil fever". A lot of people gathered in one place, in order to drill oil wells. Those who were lucky with the purchase of suitable sites, received huge fountains of oil and rich in the eyes. Others remained with nothing.
Because of oil, as well as because of gold, there have been and are many conflicts. Up to open wars between whole states.
Both oil and gold play an extremely important role in the modern world. They are a source of stability and prosperity. Oil can be exchanged for gold, and gold for oil. Although direct exchange, as a rule, does not produce, but indirectly with certain reservations, it is quite possible.
Whole commercial empires are built on the extraction and sale of oil. Similarly, many trading empires are built on the extraction and sale of gold. This was true for ancient times. This remains true in the present.
AlchemistOnce in the Middle Ages, the alchemists dreamed of finding a way to convert any metal into gold. To do this, they, according to their ideas, needed to find a philosophical stone - a miracle cure for converting metals into gold, which also has the ability to heal all diseases. Nowadays, some "alchemists" are also trying to find a means to replace oil. Some miracle cure, which according to their ideas will be able to replace oil and rid the world of dependence on this energy source. In this case, as well as in alchemists in antiquity, modern "alchemists" get, let's say, not very much.
As you can see, reasons to call oil black gold is quite enough. Similarities between these seemingly dissimilar resources are much greater than differences.
For the sake of justice, it must be said that black oil is not just oil. Approximately until the middle of the twentieth century, this expression is often called coal. Sometimes it is used to describe coffee and (you are surprised) food pasta marmite.
By the way, now you can find real black gold on sale. That is, in the literal sense, gold is black. It began to receive relatively recently, but it is already very popular in jewelry business.
Nevertheless, the expression "black gold" in the modern world is strongly associated with oil and, as can be seen from this article, it is no accident.
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What is family and how I imagine it?
everyone in our family respects rules of politeness
I already begun thinking about my future family
so, how should look ideal family?
I hope, that my husband will be sparing more time for family, than for career and helping educate kids.
family is a big value...
You got to live your life, to be able to tell about it to your kids. You got to talk to people, who gives you positive and energy. You got to never give up and live (in step with the times / in tune with the times).
i'm so happy that i've got a little sister, I can tell her all my secrets and secret dreams
фух... вроде все))
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