Я уверер Диппер из ГФ понравиться)
Мэ́йсон «Ди́ппер» Па́йнс— вымышленный персонаж, один из главных героев мультсериала «Гравити Фолз», брат-близнец Мэйбл Пайнс. Персонажа озвучивал, в основном, Джейсон Риттер. Прототипом послужил сам Алекс Хирш в детстве и его одноклассник. По словам режиссёра, у того парня были ужасные прыщи, которые напоминали, например, созвездие Орион, а позже — Большой ковш из созвездия Большой Медведицы. На лбу Диппера Пайнса есть родимое пятно как раз в виде Ковша Большой Медведицы. Впервые Диппер появился в неназванном пилоте, созданно; в сериале появляется в эпизоде Секреты Гравити Фолз. Вместе со своей сестрой-близнецом Мэйбл играет главную роль в сериале.
Mason "Diepper" Pines - is a fictional character, one of the main characters of the animated series "Gravity Falls", twin brother Mabel Pines. The character was voiced mainly by Jason Ritter . The prototype was Alex Hirsch himself as a child and his classmate . According to the director, that guy had terrible acne, which resembled, for example, the constellation Orion, and later - the Big Dipper from the constellation Big Dipper. On Dipper Pines's forehead there is a birthmark just in the form of the Big Dipper Bucket . Dipper first appeared in an unnamed pilot created by Hirsch; in the series appears in the episode Secrets of Gravity Falls. Together with his twin sister Mabel plays a major role in the series.
I have been doing my homework, when my friend called me.
Have you ever been to Canada?
Where have you been living since you moved to London?
Haven't you seen this film yet?
He hasn't been reading the book when I saw him.
They haven't been living in this hotel till Monday.
Has she been living on an old house since she lost her husband?
She has been learning English since her childhood. .