Football has been called the most popular game in the world, and it certainly has a greatmany fans in Britain. It is the game that is played nearly in all countries. A team iscomposed of 11 players: a goalkeeper, backs, half-backs and forwards. The captain ofthe team is usually the oldest or the best player.
The football pitch should be between 100 and 130 metres long and between 50 and 100metres wide. It is divided into two halves by the halfway line. In the middle of the field thereis a centre circle and there is a goal at each end. In front of each goal is the goal area andthe penalty area. There is a penalty spot inside the penalty area and a penalty arc outsideit. A game of football usually lasts for one and a half hours. At half-time, the teams changeends. The aim of each team is to score as many goals as possible.
The final of the football competition in Britain takes place every May at the famousWembley stadium in London. Some of the best known clubs in England are ManchesterUnited, Liverpool and the Arsenal. In Scotland either Rangers, Celtic or Aberdeen usuallywin the cup or the championship.
People all over the world are fond of sports and games. Sport makes people healthy, keeps them fit, more organized and better disciplined. Some people go in for sports for their health and some for professional aims. There are many stadiums, sports grounds, swimming pools, football fields in each town. Practically all kinds of sports are popular in this country, but football, figure-skating and tennis enjoy the greatest popularity. A lot of people are fond of jogging. In the morning and in the evening we can see people jogging in the parks, stadiums and even in the streets. In every school pupils spend much time going in for sports. First of all they have their physical training lessons. And after classes they may train different kinds of sport at different sports clubs and sections. Professional sport is also paid much attention to in this country. Every year there are a lot of sports competitions, sports days and Olympiads. Once in four years the Olympic Games take place in different countries. There are Summer and Winter Olympic Games. This is a great sport competition of the best sportsmen in the world. As for me I go in for table tennis (ping-pong). It needs mobility, liveliness and much energy. It keeps a person in a good form. I have been playing tennis for five years, but the more I play the more I like it.
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