Choose the correct word. 1)that's the boy whose/who lives next door. 2)the people which/whose horse won the race come from portugal. 3)2004 was the year when/where the olympic games were held in athens. 4)this is the house which/where he was born. .
Russian school Children in Russia begin attending schol at the age of seven. They study eleven years. The first four grades are called primary school, where children learn to read, write, count, and draw. They also have lessons of music, physical training and handicrafts. Then follows secondary school, where pupuls have many teachers and go from one classroom to another during the day. They have a lot of new subjects,like History, Geography , Biology, Physics and some foreign languages. After finishing 9th grade pupils can leave school and go to a vocational school or they can continue studies till the 11th grade.
My school is a fine four-storeyed building. It is situated in the centre of the town in a picturesque street named Ivan Franko.In front of our school there are round flower-beds, where the pupils grow different flowers during their lessons in Crafts. Behind it there is a big sports-ground where the schoolchildren have their lessons of Physical Training.There are different classrooms for the classes of Physics, Geography and Biology. They have slide projectors, schemes and charts on the walls. Chemistry and Physics classrooms have special laboratories well-equipped for different experiments and tests, which are done by our pupils during the lessons.The first floor of our school is occupied by English, Polish and German classrooms. There one can find different pictures, maps, diagrams. On the second floor there are our gymnasium and assembly room, where we usually gather to celebrate different holidays. We decorate our assembly room with colorful balloons, slogans and pictures. I like my school!
2. whose
3. when
4. where