In Central Africa it is widely distributed Cisterna pig. Among his relatives, — the boar, the warthog, babirussa — it stands a beautiful Golden-red fur and long ear tufts. Many of the African antelope in the rainforest only live duikers. These small, graceful and shy animals inhabit dense thickets at the outskirts of forests and river valleys. In the same places and meets miniature African mouse deer, barely reaching 35-40 cm in height and 10-15 kg in weight. In lifestyle Olenka many interesting. He eats not only plant food, but also insects, freshwater crabs, small vertebrates and even carrion. With danger mouse deer rushes into the water and dives well. Day is often low in the fork of a tree, climbing back on the vines.
What does the ideal school look like? Cause it is definitely not our school. An ideal school is a school where every teacher helps the students to develop the needed skills instead of making fun of them. An ideal school is where students pay attention in class and listen to what their prof is saying. An ideal school is a school with a friendly, warm environment. But does such thing exist? I don't think so. Ideal schools are as unrealistic as ideal people. Each has its own flaws and its own advantages, that is why we should not wonder what the ideal school is like, we should try to make our school ideal, to improve it, to act instead of blabbering. I propose we start from ourselves and reflect on our own actions. What can we do to make ourselves ideal students? If we look at ourselves before looking at the school as a whole, than we might come close to our ideals.