I think that the book has a bright future. But the computer has a chance of Polygamy. The book is a source of knowledge, a bright path to knowledge. Of course use the internet is very convenient. But do not forget about values. After all, the information on the sites of the Internet is taken from the book. Are you the same information you can read a book. Than the whole day sitting at a computer to spoil their vision. Our young people need to appreciate the book. After all, this book is a bright future.
It’s a little awkward to write a letter to my future self, as I don’t know what’s my future going to be like. We can plan certain steps, but we can’t predict what’s coming next. Anyway, every letter starts with the greetings’ line, but I would want to start with the question: “How are you?” I hope that everything is going to be well. I understand that many things can change in a few years, but I’m not a fan of abrupt changes.
At the moment I’m at the 8th form of the local secondary school. In a few years I can see myself studying at the high school and doing notable progress. I’m one of those students who like studying and gaining new skills. When I’m at the 10th form, I will start attending a preparatory course. It’s a good step towards my future education. My younger sister will be at the eighth form by that moment. Hopefully, she will try harder not to fall behind at school. My parents both work in sales. They are not going to change anything as it’s very profitable to run a clothes’ store
I don’t know exactly how things will go in the future, but I hope that I will have travelled more by the time I’m eighteen. Travelling and learning new facts about foreign cultures and traditions is something I’m looking forward to. At the same time I want to learn to speak other languages and to make friends in various countries. When I come back home, they will still be my friends, to be precise my pen pals.
And last but not least, in this letter to my future self I’d like to mention that I totally love every moment right now. There are simply some goals that haven’t been reached yet.
Оксфорд-стрит - тоже известная улица. Это важное место для шоппинга. В нем около трехсот магазинов. Они видят самую оживленную торговую улицу в Европе. Оксфорд-стритс довольно длинный, около двух с половиной километров. С обеих сторон есть большие и маленькие магазины.
Уайтхолл - это широкая оживленная улица в центральных зданиях правительства и правительственных зданий в Лондоне. Это политический центр британской столицы. Когда газеты пишут Уайтхолл, они означают британское правительство.
Во всех укрытиях Лонона вы можете увидеть красные двухэтажные автобусы или просто двухэтажные. Они также являются символом города Лондона. Из двухэтажных гостей в Лондон можно увидеть лучшие города.