1. I will not throw trash on the street. 2. I will not smoke. 3. I will not cut the trees down. 4. I will plant trees. 5. I will not use much chemical items. 6. I will not kill the animals which are not allowed to. 7. I will use ecological items. 8. I will protect animals.
1. I could help you. I will help you. 2. He could not do it him self. He will can do it himself 3. We could show you how to experiment with this substance. We will can show you how to experiment with this substance. 4. She could find a good answer. She will can find a good answer. 5. He mayed stay here for some time. He will may stay here for some time. 6. She mayed take this book home. She will may take this book home. 7. You mayed finish your work at 5 o clock. You will may finish your work at 5 o clock 8. I musted to this exercise. I will must do this exercise. 9. She musted wait for him. She will must wait for him
Past simple (прошедшее время) 1. two hours ago, i finished my lessons. (два часа назад я закончил свои уроки) 2. yesterday, i went for a walk. (вчера я ходил гулять) 3. a week ago, i went to the movies. (неделю назад, я ходил в кино) 4. at you were school today? (ты был сегодня в школе? ) 5. yesterday, i w visited my granny (вчера я навестил мою бабушку) 6. she didn't play the piano well last year. (в прошлом году она не играла на пианино хорошо) 7. last summer i got uo early (прошлым летом я вставал рано) 8. i used to go to arts school (я ходил в художественную школу) 9. today my mother cooked delicious blini. (сегодня мама приготовила вкусные блины) 10. yesterday i was at store. (сегодня я был в магазине) в настоящем, если смогу попробую написать, просто фантазии не хватает и времени, извини. попробуй сам, в настоящем легко.
2. I will not smoke.
3. I will not cut the trees down.
4. I will plant trees.
5. I will not use much chemical items.
6. I will not kill the animals which are not allowed to.
7. I will use ecological items.
8. I will protect animals.