1. I thought he had already ( gone) home. 2. I (did not see) him after we (had met )at the concert. 3. He (had left) the house before I ( had ) time to ask him anything. 4. After he (had spent) some days in Paris he ( felt) lonely and ( wanted) to return home. 5. He ( spoke) a language we had never heard) before. 6. When the rain (had stopped), I ( looked ) out of the window. 7. The telegram ( came) some minutes after he (had left). 8. She (thought) that Tom and Lanny (had quarrelled). 9. The girl (was) glad that she (had found) a seat near the window. 10. He ( remembered) that he (had not rung) her up in the morning. 11. By the time the train (reached) the city, he (had made) friends with many passengers. 12. When my uncle (had left), he ( hurried) to the station to book a ticket.
Я хотів би розпитати вас про вашу родину.
- Так, впевнений, що б ти хотів знати?
- Ви одружені?
- Ну, у мене чоловік ...
- Як його звуть?
- Девід. І у нас двоє дітей, хлопчик і дівчинка.
- Скільки їм років?
- Їх троє, насправді вони двійнята.
- О! Як добре!
- Є… вони дуже милі.
- А як щодо інших родичів?
- Кого ти маєш на увазі?
- Ваші батьки, бабусі та дідусі, тітки чи дядьки тощо.
- Ну, мої батьки не англійці. Моя мати родом з Португалії, а мій батько - кореець, тож я наполовину Португалія, наполовину кореець.
- О Я бачу.
- Отже, у мене є два брати. Один з них одружений, один - ні. А в мене прекрасний племінник і прекрасна племінниця.
- У вас буде більше, коли ваш другий брат одружиться.
- Так, справді.
- Дуже дякую за вашу розмову.
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курсы изучение для детей и школьников
Английский язык по скайпу с носителем
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Тема "Моя любимая телепередача" (My favourite TV programme)
Television has become an essential part of our daily life. It gives us much useful and interesting information. It makes a great opportunity for education and entertaining. Television keeps us informed about the current events in the world. Nowadays it offers a wide variety of channels and all kinds of programmes and films which are able to satisfy any taste and any age. Besides, thanks to satellite TV, we can watch channels from different countries.
According to the statistics data, the most regular TV viewers are housewives, pensioners and children. My grandmother, for instance, is very fond of Russian long-running sagas and Brazilian soap-operas which always have a happy end. She finds them quite relaxing. As for me, the story lines in those soap-operas seem unreal and too dramatic. My grandfather loves all news programmes and documentaries devoted to our history. When my mum stays at home she prefers watching different women’s talk-shows, concerts, quiz-shows or reality-shows.
Actually I was also a real fan of a reality show “Last Hero”. I saw all 7 seasons of it but, alas, it finished in 2009. As far as I know this show was the Russian version of an American “Survivor”. The contestants of the show were sent to a desert island and then split up into tribes. I liked the idea of putting them in extraordinary and sometimes even dangerous circumstances. I always tried to figure out what I would have done if I had been sent to that island and had lived in a tribe too. The participants of this dynamic reality show had to fight hard because the winner’s prize was rather substantial.
And now I really enjoy a fantastic vocal talent show “Voice” presented by Dmitriy Nagiev. It started in 2012 and is broadcast every weekend. The format of “Voice” differs from other traditional music contests because the participants are already professional singers with fabulous vocal capabilities. The judges (Alexander Gradskiy, Dima Bilan, Pelageya and Leonid Agutin) evaluate the contestant’s voices and make decisions without looking at the singers, through a blind audition process. As soon as the judges have formed their teams they start competing with each other. Eventually only one singer will be honoured the grand prize and become “The vest voice”.
Luckily I am not a TV addict and I don’t spend all my leisure time in front of the so called “one-eyed living-room monster”. However I do my best not to miss my favourite programmes.