Mike это имя Make настоящее время come настоящее время tvrain в настоящее время will take будущее время are getting ready present continuous tense are training present continuous tense have already played present perfect tense are going present continuous tense train настоящее время hopes present simple tense took past simple tense said past simple tense went past simple test trained past simple tense thought past simple tense would take future in the past saw past simple tense were getting past continuous tense were past simple tense training simple continuous tense came past simple tense had already finished past perfect tense were going past continuous tense said past simple tense trained past simple tense hoped past simple tense
1. Did he take girls to the opera and go sightseeing? (general question) 2. Where is showing some of his works? (special question) 3. Does he exhibition of work by Hans Memling opens this or next week? (alternative question) 4. Churchill's statue stands outside the parliament building, doesn't it? (disjunctive question) 5. Does that seem like a question for our experienced tour guide, Monika Koppel? (general question) 6. The Statue of Liberty is a major tourist attraction, isn't it? (disjunctive) 7. Cambridge is always full of tourists or students in the summer? 9alternative) 8. Where is the car park? (special) 9. She works for a law firm in downtown Miami, doesn't she? (disjunctive) 10.Where do all the social workers come in from ? (special)
Mike это имя Make настоящее время come настоящее время tvrain в настоящее время will take будущее время are getting ready present continuous tense are training present continuous tense have already played present perfect tense are going present continuous tense train настоящее время hopes present simple tense took past simple tense said past simple tense went past simple test trained past simple tense thought past simple tense would take future in the past saw past simple tense were getting past continuous tense were past simple tense training simple continuous tense came past simple tense had already finished past perfect tense were going past continuous tense said past simple tense trained past simple tense hoped past simple tense