Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is a Russian poet, playwright and prose writer who laid the foundations of the Russian realistic trend, a critic and theorist of literature, a historian, a publicist; One of the most authoritative literary figures of the first third of the XIX century.Pushkin worked on this novel for over seven years, from 1823 to 1831. The novel was, according to the poet, "the fruit of the mind of cold observations and the heart of woeful notes." Pushkin called the work on it a feat - from the whole of his creative legacy only "Boris Godunov" he characterized the same word. In the work on a broad background of paintings of Russian life, the dramatic fate of the people of the noble intelligentsia is shown. The plot of Pushkin's novel AS. "Eugene Onegin" Young provincial girl Tatiana Larina fell in love with Petersburg's "secular" Lion "by Eugene Onegin, extremely disappointed And indifferent. Love is provincial The naive girl did not provoke a reciprocal feeling in Onegin. Duel with Friend, Onegin's journey separated Tatyana from her beloved. Tatiana married and became a brilliant socialite. Returned From the trip Onegin, seeing Tatiana at the ball, fell in love At once, but alas ... Tatiana is faithful to her husband, she can not sacrifice Love the happiness and peace of her husband. Onegin suffers. The novel ends The hopelessness of the main character's love. This is the content, but on this simple storyline.
1. In Scotland and Ireland schools are still managed ___by___ local authorities. 2. A board ___of___ governors consists of__ parents and members of__ the public. 3. Firstly, there are wide variations ___between___ one part ___of___ the country and another. 4. The system in Wales is a little different ___from___ that of Scotland. 5. Another important feature of__ schooling in Britain is the variety of opportunities offered ___to___ schoolchildren. 6. There was really no central control ___over___ individual schools. 7. In__ 1988 headmasters and headmistresses of schools were given a great deal ___of___ freedom in deciding what subjects to teach. 8. British university courses are rather short, generally lasting ___for___ three years. 9. The cost ___of___ education depends ___on___ the college or university which one chooses.