Доброе утро, уважаемые школьники! Сегодня я предложу вам ответить на вопрос, который касается описания движения по различным направлениям. Давайте разберем предложение и подумаем, какое предлог нужно использовать в каждом случае.
1) Askar was happy when his parents gave him a new mountain bike for his birthday. He put on his helmet and went for a ride. He cycled... (по дороге).
Для описания движения по дороге мы используем предлог "along". Мы можем сказать: "He cycled along the road."
2) He went... (с кем-то или куда-то).
В этом случае нам нужно дополнить предложение информацией о направлении. У нас есть два варианта для выбора - "accross" и "into". Определите пожалуйста, куда мог бы пойти Askar.
3) ... the train station on his left and 3) ... the tunnel.
На какой стороне от Askar'а находится железнодорожная станция? На основании вашего ответа мы определим использование предлога "past" или "through".
4) Then he cycled... (через лес).
В этом случае мы используем предлог "through". Askar прокатился сквозь лес.
5) ... to the top of the hill and 6)... (вниз) ...
Для указания движения вверх по холму, мы используем предлог "up". У нас также есть предлог "down" для обозначения движения вниз. Определите, какой из этих предлогов подходит наиболее подходит в данном случае.
7) ... the other side really fast. He rode... (по мосту над рекой).
Для описания движения по мосту, мы используем предлог "across". Можете сказать: "He rode across the bridge above the river."
8) He parked his bike and went... (по улице) ... to buy a snack.
Для указания движения по улице мы используем предлог "down" для описания движения вниз, либо "along" для указания движения вдоль улицы. Определите, какой из предлогов требуется использовать в данном случае.
9) Then he got on his bike and rode... (в парк).
Для указания движения в парк, мы используем предлог "into". Можете сказать: "He got on his bike and rode into the park."
Итак, вот варианты ответов на каждое пропущенное слово:
1) along
2) accross/into
3) past
4) through
5) up/down
6) ...
7) across
8) up/down/along
9) into
Я надеюсь, что этот ответ будет понятен вам, школьники, и что вы понимаете, как использовать правильные предлоги для описания движения в разных направлениях. Если у вас есть какие-либо вопросы или нужда в дополнительном объяснении, пожалуйста, спросите.
Amy: Hey Joe, have you been watching Here and Now lately? I'm one of the presenters on the show!
Joe: Oh yeah, I've been watching it because of you, sis, but honestly, I don't really enjoy the program. I prefer watching music programs like MTV.
Amy: Yeah, I understand. I'm actually more into listening to the radio when I'm at home. But I do like watching late-night TV, especially interviews.
Joe: Well, speaking of music, did you know that my band, Noise, is getting quite popular? We're known for being really loud, and that's why some people love us and others hate us.
Amy: That's great, Joe! I'm proud of you. I have to admit, though, I'm a bit old-fashioned when it comes to music. I prefer ballads and slow romantic songs. But I do enjoy watching you play the drums. You're really talented!
Joe: Thanks, Amy! It's a shame I'm not a singer though, right?
Amy: Yeah, it would be even more amazing if you were the lead vocalist too. Oh well, you still rock it on the drums!
Joe: Hey, remember when you used to drag me to the cinema with you? I never really liked going there. I prefer watching action films at home on video.
Amy: Yes, I do remember. I love going to the cinema, especially for European films like French and Polish ones. But I guess we have different tastes. I'm not a fan of action movies, to be honest. Most of them just don't interest me.
Joe: Well, I guess I take after Dad and Mom. They buy newspapers every day, but I never read them. I usually end up reading other people's newspapers on the bus. But I do read a lot of music magazines.
Amy: That's interesting. I don't really have time for newspapers, but I do enjoy reading magazines, particularly ones about films. Empire is my favorite. I read it every month.
Joe: Yeah, you've always been a film buff. But music is my thing, and I love keeping up with the latest trends and news in the music world.
Amy and Joe may have different interests when it comes to television, music, cinema, and reading materials, but they still appreciate and support each other's passions. They have a fun and lively dynamic as siblings, with Amy being proud of Joe's musical talent and Joe being supportive of Amy's career as a presenter.