Thomas : Hi Sarah, how are you? Sarah : Fine, how are you doing? Thomas : OK. Sarah : What do you want to do? Thomas : I'm hungry. I'd like to eat something. Sarah : Where do you want to go? Thomas : I'd like to go to an Italian restaurant. Sarah : What kind of Italian food do you like? Thomas : I like spaghetti. Do you like spaghetti? Sarah : No, I don't, but I like pizza
The Amur tiger is one of the smallest subspecies of tiger , the most northern tiger .Included in the Red Data Book. The area of this tiger is concentrated in a protected area in the south -east of Russia , on the banks of the Amur and Ussuri rivers in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky regions . Amur tiger on current data refers to the largest subspecies , wool thicker than tigers living in warmer areas , and its color is lighter. The basic coat color in winter - orange, white belly . The Amur tiger - the lord of vast areas , the area of which the female is 300-500 km ², and the male - 600-800 km ². The basis of the diet are red deer , sika and red deer, roe deer , wild boar , elk , lynx . The Amur tiger is listed in the Red Book of Russia . In April 2007, experts from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) announced that the population of tigers has reached the maximum of one hundred years , and that Tiger is no longer on the verge of extinction
Перевод: Амурский тигр является одним из самых маленьких подвидов тигра, самый северный тигр. Включен в Красную книгу. Площадь этого тигра сосредоточен в охраняемой зоне на юго-востоке России, по берегам рек Амур и Уссури в Хабаровском и Приморском краях. Амурский тигр по текущим данным, относится к крупнейшим подвидом, шерсть гуще, чем тигров, живущих в более теплых областях, и ее цвет светлее. Основной цвет пальто зимой - оранжевый, белый живот. Амурский тигр - властелин огромных территорий, площадь которых самки 300-500 км ², а самец - 600-800 км ². Основой рациона благородный олень, пятнистый и благородный олень, косуля, кабан, лось, рысь. Амурский тигр занесен в Красную книгу России. В апреле 2007 года эксперты Всемирного фонда дикой природы (WWF) объявили, что популяция тигров достигла максимум сто лет, и что тигр больше не на грани вымирания.
The Arbat is definitely one of the most famous streets in Moscow. Every tourist when he comes to Moscow tries to visit this street and take some photos.это про арбаь у нас в городе нет натой улици мира
Everybody knows that the Arbat is a pedestrian street but not everybody knows that it hasn't been not always this way. Long ago there were some horse carriages here then at the beginning of the XX century there were first tramcars and later some trolleybuses. And only in 1990s the Arbat became the way we know it today with no traffic.
Today this street looks like bright fair with lots of different shops, souvenirs kiosks, cafes bad restaurants. The Arbat was this way at the beginning of the XIX century when the first merchants came here and opened apartment houses, shops and cafes.
Before that in the XVII century there were a lot of palace and shooters' slobodas and their names still remain the same you can see it in the names of the side streets close to the Arbat. Later on in the XVIII century the Arbat became one of the most aristocratic streets of the city.
Sarah : Fine, how are you doing?
Thomas : OK.
Sarah : What do you want to do?
Thomas : I'm hungry. I'd like to eat something.
Sarah : Where do you want to go?
Thomas : I'd like to go to an Italian restaurant.
Sarah : What kind of Italian food do you like?
Thomas : I like spaghetti. Do you like spaghetti?
Sarah : No, I don't, but I like pizza