Jehu (presumably formed by the merger of two english interjections - yah! and ugh! , expressing disgust) — humanoid creatures that inhabit the island inhabited by the houyhnhnms and using them as working cattle. faced with these "weird animals", gulliver appears to be one of them for ruling on the island of intelligent horses, however, given to the barn i., is experiencing "horror and disgust". it was particularly unfortunate for him that "disgusting animal has a completely human form the face was flat and wide, the nose flattened, the lips thick front feet of the yahoo differed from my hands only long nails, sassorosso and dark color of the palm < > and in other parts of the body the difference is mainly in color and hairy". in the course of conversations with its owner-houyhnhnms gulliver learns much about the habits of i., and he describes the lifestyles of people in european countries. so, turning throughout the story, there is a parallel between i. and people. "most of the herds of yahoos are sort of the which are always the most ugly and vicious in the whole herd. each such leader is commonly a favorite the duty of which is that he licks feet and ass of his master and deliver the females into his lair; in gratitude for this he from time to time rewarded with a piece of donkey meat. this favourite is hated by the whole herd, and therefore to protect himself, keeps always near the person of his master
Если начать перечислять все качества, которыми должен обладать настоящий друг, то он окажется не обычным человеком, а суперменом: добрый, веселый, верный, честный, преданный, идущий на умеющий поддержать в трудную минуту и выручить из беды, смелый, интересный... И это еще далеко не все. Интересно, живет ли в мире человек, обладающий всеми этими достоинствами? Возможно, но таких людей единицы, это люди-герои, люди-легенды. Но даже они имеют право на ошибки, ведь человек не может, да и не должен быть идеальным, иначе он будет очень одинок в нашем мире. Кого же мы выбираем себе в друзья? Наверное, тех, кто обладает качествами, имеющими для нас первостепенное значение. Не всеми вышеперечисленными, а лишь некоторыми. И дорожим мы этим человеком потому, что он такой, какой есть на самом деле. В друге ценим не отдельные качества, а человека в целом: с его привычками, манерой поведения и разговора.
Once I went to a FUNNY-FUNNY zoo. It was summer so it was hot there. I saw a lot of animals and they were very cute and funny. I saw a lot of big animals and also lots of small habitats. My friend ( Anton)( можно написать любое имя) was also there. We saw a cage with big monkeys their wool was dark and they had dark eyes too. My friend (имя) came to close to the cage and the monkey spat in his face. All people were laughing and me too. We had a great day in the zoo and I will never forget this funny story.