26. Complete this description of a TV advert with a/an, the or zero article.
There's a funny advert on TV at the moment. This is what happens. A honest-looking man and a beautiful woman are getting married. The woman is wearing expensive wedding dress. The man looks very happy. At the last minute, however, the woman runs away and the man is very surprised. Then we see why. Outside, a car is waiting for the woman. We realise that the woman loves the car more than she loves the man!
27. Complete these sentences with a/an, the or no article.
1. Do you like _ computer games?
2. My sister’s a journalist.
3. There’s an interesting programme about medicine on TV tonight. The programme lasts an hour.
4. What’s the name of the presenter of that nature programme on Wednesday evenings?
5. Do you know a good Italian search engine?
6. That shop sells a DVDs. The DVDs are quite old and very cheap.
7. I don’t usually like _ comedies but I really like the sitcom on Monday at 8.00.
8. My brother presents a news programme. He goes to the studio at 6.00 every morning to prepare for the programme.
9. That's an interesting suggestion.
10. How far have you gotten with the report?
11. Every company needs a good project manager.
. I remind you that this is the second alley in Odessa. The first one was planted two years ago on the territory of the Odessa Botanical Garden. Within the framework of the social project on landscaping of Odessa by the townspeople-patrons in the city, more than 3,000 trees have already been planted. Odesa residents have done a lot of good things. They are also creative shops in the city garden, in the botanical garden, in the squares of the city. These are playgrounds with a swing for disabled children. Activists bought the necessary equipment for hospitals in the city, participated in the fate of children with serious illnesses. They helped pensioners by providing them with grocery sets.
думаю так пойдёт.
Вот перевод если что
Неделю назад в парке Шевченка высадили аллею сакур напротив стадиона Черноморец.
.Напомню, что это уже вторая аллея в Одессе. Первая была посадена два года назад на территории Одесского ботсада. В рамках социального проекта по озеленению Одессы самими горожанами-меценатами в городе уже посажено более 3.000 деревьев.Обьеденившись одесситы проделали много чего хорошего.Это и креативные лавочки в горсаду, в ботаническом саду, в скверах города. Это детские площадки с качелями для детей-инвалидов. Активисты покупали необходимое оборудование для больниц города, участвували в судьбе детей с тяжелыми заболеваниями пенсионерам, обеспечивая их продуктовыми наборами