Last Sunday Mag got up at 9 am. В воскресенье Мэг встала в 9 часов.
She washed her face and hands, cleaned her teeth. Она вымыла руки и лицо, почистила зубы.
Then she made her bed. Затем она заправила кровать.
At half past nine Mag helped her mother to lay the table. В пол десятого Мэг маме накрыть на стол.
She had breakfast with her mum, dad and sister Becky. Она позавтракала с мамой, папой и сестрой Бекки.
After breakfast Mag watered the flowers and fed her pets. После завтрака Мэг полила цветы и покормила домашних питомцев.
I will cooking a cake tomorrow at 5 oclock
She will have done homework by 6 oclock