I. Качественные прилагательные могут сравниваться по степени качества и иметь три степени: положительную, сравнительную и превосходную: Happy - happier, the happiest. Sad - sadder, the saddest. Big - bigger, the biggest. Handsome - more handsome, the most handsome. Early - earlier, the earliest. Interesting - more interesting, the most interesting. Communicative - more communicative, the most communicative. II. Относительные прилагательные степеней сравнения не имеют: Относительные прилагательные описывают качества предмета через его отношение к: 1 - материалам (glass, silver), 2 - месту (Eastern, Russian), 3 - времени (daily, monthly) 4 - связи (heavenly, motherly, privite). 5 - форме (square, round) 6 - обозначают признак, не проявляться в большей и меньшей степени, в том числе прилагательные, выражающие: «абсолютное» состояние: blind - слепой, live - живой, naked - голый, mute - немой, deaf - глухой, dead – мёртвый; наивысшую или наименьшую степень: first-class, ideal - идеальный, maximal - максимальный, minimal - минимальный, optimal - оптимальный, total - тотальный, full - полный 7- составные прилагательные, первым компонентом которых являются существительные: wrist watch, dog’s collar, town parade 8 - пространственные/местные отношения. Они употребляются только в качестве определения: local 9 - определённые методы или состояния: orally, deadly ill и др. -
Born into a family of famous American theologian. In childhood, spent a lot of time in Europe (Geneva, Paris, London). Hence the theme of conflict between American and European civilizations, which took a leading place in the early works of James. Of modern writers greatest impression on him made the novels of Hawthorne and Turgenev, whom he called their mentors. At the age of 19 went to Harvard, then settled in Boston.
At first, James has published his stories in the magazine The Atlantic Monthly, published by Dean Howells - the founder of the realist prose in the United States. Critics of that time noted the undoubted skill of the young author, but at the same time were puzzled by his desire to describe the inner feelings of the characters, not real life events. It took a decade before James felt unable to begin writing a full novel.
In 1869 a young author made another trip to Europe. For several years he alternated living in Boston and in Europe, mainly in Rome, and came to the conclusion that the European environment more favorable for creative development and expression. After the publication of his first novel, Roderick Hudson (1875), Henry James finally moved into the Old Light.
Born into a family of famous American theologian. In childhood, spent a lot of time in Europe (Geneva, Paris, London). Hence the theme of conflict between American and European civilizations, which took a leading place in the early works of James. Of modern writers greatest impression on him made the novels of Hawthorne and Turgenev, whom he called their mentors. At the age of 19 went to Harvard, then settled in Boston.
At first, James has published his stories in the magazine The Atlantic Monthly, published by Dean Howells - the founder of the realist prose in the United States. Critics of that time noted the undoubted skill of the young author, but at the same time were puzzled by his desire to describe the inner feelings of the characters, not real life events. It took a decade before James felt unable to begin writing a full novel.
In 1869 a young author made another trip to Europe. For several years he alternated living in Boston and in Europe, mainly in Rome, and came to the conclusion that the European environment more favorable for creative development and expression. After the publication of his first novel, Roderick Hudson (1875), Henry James finally moved into the Old Light.
Happy - happier, the happiest.
Sad - sadder, the saddest.
Big - bigger, the biggest.
Handsome - more handsome, the most handsome.
Early - earlier, the earliest.
Interesting - more interesting, the most interesting.
Communicative - more communicative, the most communicative.
Относительные прилагательные степеней сравнения не имеют:
Относительные прилагательные описывают качества предмета через его отношение к:
1 - материалам (glass, silver),
2 - месту (Eastern, Russian),
3 - времени (daily, monthly)
4 - связи (heavenly, motherly, privite).
5 - форме (square, round)
6 - обозначают признак, не проявляться в большей и меньшей степени, в том числе прилагательные, выражающие: «абсолютное» состояние: blind - слепой, live - живой, naked - голый, mute - немой, deaf - глухой, dead – мёртвый;
наивысшую или наименьшую степень: first-class, ideal - идеальный, maximal - максимальный, minimal - минимальный, optimal - оптимальный, total - тотальный, full - полный
7- составные прилагательные, первым компонентом которых являются существительные: wrist watch, dog’s collar, town parade
8 - пространственные/местные отношения. Они употребляются только в качестве определения: local 9 - определённые методы или состояния: orally, deadly ill и др. -