1. If I find out something about him, I will phone you. 2. She will not (won't) know anything unless you tell her yourself. 3. He will pass the test if you help him. 4. They will be at home when the match starts. 5. Granny will be happy if I go to the country with her tomorrow.
Это условные предложения, в которых в главной части предложения глагол стоит в будущем времени (Future Simple), а в придаточной - в настоящем (Present Simple).
Определить придаточную часть можно по союзам IF и WHEN. В главной части этих союзов нет.
My grandmother moved the armchair to the fire and sat down. - Past Simple.
Who sold vegetables in our village last year? - Past Simple.
We tried to move the box but couldn't, because it was too heavy. - Past Simple.
Our cat hates dogs. When it sees a dog it tries to fight. - Present Simple.
Somebody touched me on the arm when I got on a bus. - Past Simple.
The grandmother is loved by everybody. - Present Simple Passive Voice.
The table was moved to the window. - Past Simple Passive Voice.
The boy tied the horse to the tree and went to the hous. - Past Simple.