Школьная форма советского периода состояла из темного пиджака и брюк для мальчиков и из коричневого платья и черного фартука для девочек. Кроме того, существовала парадная школьная форма: мальчики носили темный костюм с белой рубашкой, а девочки – коричневое платье с белым фартуком. Повседневная школьная форма для девочек дополнялась коричневыми или черными бантами, а праздничная – белыми. В конце 1980-х годов для девочек был введен темно-синий костюм-тройка.Кроме школьной формы с 5 класса учащиеся должны были носить красный галстук – символ пионерской организации, к которой принадлежали практически все школьники. Первоначально к аксессуару прилагался специальный зажим, позже его стали завязывать узлом. Обязательное ношение в школе пионерского галстука было отменено в 1991 году. А к 1992 году практически повсеместно прекратила свое существование и школьная форма.
Uniform of the Soviet period consisted of a dark jacket and trousers for boys and a brown dress and black skirt for girls. In addition, there was a grand school uniform: boys wore a dark suit with a white shirt, and girls - brown dress with white apron. Casual school uniform for girls supplemented brown or black bows and festive - white. In the late 1980s, was introduced for girls navy blue three-piece suit. In addition to the school uniform with the 5th grade students had to wear a red tie - a symbol of the Pioneer organization, to which belonged to almost all students. Originally accessories attached to a special clamp, later it became knotted. Compulsory wearing of school pioneer tie was canceled in 1991. And by 1992, almost everywhere ceased to exist and the school uniform.
Mountain goats live in the mountains. Agile and hardy animals that can climb down a cliff and survive on sparse vegetation.All the goats - typical mountain animals that inhabit the inaccessible rocky, steep slopes, cliffs, gorges and avoiding any extensive open and flat spaces. Spread vertically up to a height of 5.5 thousand meters above sea level and more. Perfectly adapted to life in the mountains, with exceptional speed and agility to move through the most inaccessible steeps.
Found in the mountains of Europe, North Africa, Central and South Asia.Excellent climb mountains with great strength and endurance; very careful, but sometimes show great courage.
Herd polygamous animals. Adult males for most of the year living separately, joining the female during mating. Goats live with families or in small herds, rarely going in large herds. The herd sizes change according to the seasons, usually the most widespread in the winter months.
Soviet and Russian singer, actress, music producer. Alla Pugacheva passion for music since early childhood. In 1965, the program "Good Morning" radio sounded her song "Robot". The next two years the singer toured with propaganda team. In 1967 Alla Pugacheva became concertmaster at the School of Circus and Variety Arts and simultaneously studied at the Music School named Ippolitov-Ivanov in Moscow on the conductor's course. Since 1970 he has worked in Rosconcert, performed in groups "Jolly Fellows", "Muscovites", "Rhythm", a pop ensemble Oleg Lundstrem. In 1980 she graduated from the Directing Department of the Institute of Theatrical Arts Lunacharsky. In the same year, Pugacheva has received title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR in 1985 and People's Artist of the RSFSR. Alla Pugacheva in 1991 was the last People's Artist of the Soviet Union. In 1992 she was awarded the "Order of the Eagle" of the 1st degree, and in 1994 received the State Prize of Russia for his outstanding contribution to the development of culture. Since 2005, together with Igor steep Festival Producer "Song of the Year", and is the muse of the annual song festival of young performers in Jurmala "New Wave". Alla Pugacheva is truly epoch in the history of the national stage. Over many years of creativity, she released concert programs: "The woman who sings", "Monologues singer", "came and said," "Alla Pugacheva Singing". She sang a song that repeats the whole country, "Million scarlet roses", "Maestro", "Harlequin", "Whether more will be," "ferryman". Alla Pugacheva has participated in many competitions songs - first as a participant, and then - as a member of the jury. In 2005, she established a prize named after himself, which is awarded to talented young singers.
Uniform of the Soviet period consisted of a dark jacket and trousers for boys and a brown dress and black skirt for girls. In addition, there was a grand school uniform: boys wore a dark suit with a white shirt, and girls - brown dress with white apron. Casual school uniform for girls supplemented brown or black bows and festive - white. In the late 1980s, was introduced for girls navy blue three-piece suit.
In addition to the school uniform with the 5th grade students had to wear a red tie - a symbol of the Pioneer organization, to which belonged to almost all students. Originally accessories attached to a special clamp, later it became knotted. Compulsory wearing of school pioneer tie was canceled in 1991. And by 1992, almost everywhere ceased to exist and the school uniform.