I want to get a dog but my parents don't like the idea. What should I do?
First, you need to decide if you can actually take care of a dog. Many novice dog owners, especially, kids tend to play with the dog for a couple of weeks and then they get bored. Having a pet is a huge responsibility, so you have to make sure that you will be taking care of your pet properly. If you think that you are ready to have a dog, talk to your parents again and try to convince them that you will be a responisble owner.
Для начала обдумайте если вам действительно нужна собака. Многие неопытные хозяева, особенно дети, играют с собакой около двух недель, а потоv им надодедает. Иметь питомца это большая обязанность , поэтому вы должны убедиться,что вы будете за им правильно ухаживать. Если вы считаете, что вы готовы завести собаку, поговорите с родителями еще раз и попытайтесь убдеить их, что вы будете ответсвенным хозяином.
If you had a fight with your friend, try to analyze the situation first, without jumping into conclusions. Try to stay as calm as possible and, remember, that in every arguement both sides are guilty. Once you have everything sorted out, you can talk to your friend even though it might be hard to start a conversation after a fight. Make sure to explain what your thoughts are regarding the situation and apologize.
Если вы поссорились с другом, для начала проанализруйте ситуацию прежде чем делать какие-нибудь выводы. Попытайтесь оставаться спокойным и, помните, вы каждой ссоре виноваты обе стороны. Когда вы со всем разобрались, вы можете поговорить с дргуом, даже если вам тяжело начать беседу после ссоры. Выговоритесь, выскажите свое мнение и извинитесь
The first month of summer I usually spend in the camp. Where we communicate, participate in contests and having a good time. This year I will not be able to get to the camp, because we are going with the whole family until August to relatives in the village.
Until this summer we went to visit him only twice, but I hope to have a good time in the village. Close to home, our relatives has a great lake, where the local youth. The boys play badminton and volleyball, swim and sunbathe. It is always fun, so I'm not too upset that the camp this year is canceled.
The second half of the summer I will be very busy. First, my friends and I agreed to go camping overnight. We plan to spend in the woods for a week. Of course, we will go to the elders and the father of one of the boys, but we are still happy upcoming event. I like to go Hiking, because these events are steeped in an atmosphere of freedom and joy.
In late summer we will go for a week to the sea. There is always nice and warm. We sunbathe, play volleyball together and buried in the sand. However, most of all I like the local streets that wander without end. It's so nice to go – and it's fun reminds me of walking through a huge maze.
I very much look forward to the onset of summer. Just afraid that will not have time to do everything planned. I hope that this summer will be as amazing and magical as the rest.