The room I occupy is spacious, bright. The windows are curtained with a snow-white tulle framed by curtains in a light brown hue. Wallpaper, yellow with orange, resembles the light of the sun, which always contributes to a good mood. Furniture - a minimum. In the left corner is a desk, and next to it is a chest of drawers. A wardrobe and a sofa are on the right, and an ottoman stands near the door. The walls are hung with a variety of photos. Some of them capture their own travels and trips, while others show the sights of Russian cities that have fallen into the lens of my camera. Colorful pictures tell about descents on the rivers of Karelia:
Peter and the children flew over the city and over fields and trees. They flew over the sea, and under the moon many times. Suddenly, Peter pointed and called to the others.
“Look!" he cried. “There it is! There's the Neverland!”
The children knew at once, because it was the same as it was in their dreams. They felt as if they were coming home.
Peter turned to the others.
“Do you want an adventure?” he asked. “Or do you want tea first?”
“Tea first,” said Wendy quickly. Michael held her hand tightly, nodding his head.
“What kind of adventure?” asked John.
“There is a terrible pirate down there,” said Peter. “Let’s go down and get him!”
“A pirate?” asked John. “A real one?”
“Yes," said Peter. “His name is Hook, and he is the worst of all pirates.”
“Is he big?” asked John.
“Not as big as he was,” said Peter. “I cut his hand off, you see!”
“So, he can't fight?” asked John.
“oh, he can fight!" said Peter. “He has a sharp hook on the end of his arm."
The children looked down at the Neverland and saw that the whole island was full of life. The Lost Boys were looking for Peter. The pirates were looking for the Lost Boys. The Indians were looking for the pirates, and the animals were looking for the Indians. They all walked round and round the island, but they did not meet because they were all walking at the same speed.
The first to stop moving were the boys. They were tired, and they sat down on the ground near their underground home. Only the Lost Boys knew where the underground house was. The entrances were seven trees with holes in their trunks. There was one hole for each Lost Boy (Nibs, Tootles, Slightly, Curly and the Twins), and one for Peter Pan.
“Where is Peter?” asked Nibs.
“I want him to come back and fight the pirates," said Tootles.
“I am not afraid of the pirates," said Slightly, but the other boys knew that this was not true. Everyone was afraid of Hook and his men.
Just then, there was a sound.
“Quick! The pirates are coming!” cried Nibs.
The boys disappeared into their underground home like rabbits just before the pirates arrived
Robin Knight the television reporter, is interviewing the Duchess of Wessex for the programme «The English At Home».Робин Найт телевизионный репортер берет интервью у Герцогини Уэсекской для программы «Англичане дома».Robin. — Now, Duchess… tell us about an ordinary day in your lifeРобин. — Итак, Герцогиня… расскажите нам об обычном дне вашей жизни.Duchess. — Well, I wake up at seven o’clock…Герцогиня. — Ну, я просыпаюсь в семь…Robin. — Really? Do you get up then?Робин. — Неужели ? Вы встаете в это время ?Duchess. — No, of course I don’t get up at that time. I have breakfast in bed and I read «The Times».Герцогиня. — Нет конечно, я не встаю в это время. Я завтракаю в постели и читаю » Таймс «.Robin. — What time do you get up?Робин. — Во сколько вы встаете ?Duchess. — I get up at ten.Герцогиня. — Я встаю в 10.Robin. — What do you do then?Робин. — Что вы делаете потом ?Duchess. — I read my letters and dictate the replies to my secretary.Герцогиня. — Я читаю мои письма и диктую ответы моему секретарю.Robin. -… and then.Робин. -… и затем.Duchess. — At eleven I walk in the garden with Philip.Герцогиня. — В одиннадцать я гуляю в саду с Филиппом.Robin. — Oh? Who’s Philip?Робин. — О ? Кто такой Филипп ?Duchess. — Philips my dog.Герцогиня. — Филипп это моя собака.Robin. — What time do you have lunch?Робин. — В котором часу вы обедаете ?Duchess. — I have lunch at twelve thirty.Герцогиня. — Я обедаю в двенадцать тридцать.Robin. — And after lunch?Робин. — А после обеда ?Duchess. — Oh, I rest until six o’clock.Герцогиня. — О, я отдыхаю до шести.Robin. -… and at six? What do you do at six?Робин. -… и в шесть. Что вы делаете в шесть ?Duchess. — I dress for dinner. We have dinner at eight.Герцогиня. — Я одеваюсь к ужину. Мы ужинаем в восемь.Robin. — What time do you go to bed?Робин. — В котором часу вы ложитесь спать ?Duchess. — Well, I have a bath at nine thirty, and I go to bed at ten.Герцогиня. — Я принимаю ванну в девять тридцать и я ложусь спать в десять.Robin. — Thank you, Duchess… you certainly have a busy and interesting life!Робин Герцогиня… у вас определенно насыщенная и интересная жизнь !
The room I occupy is spacious, bright. The windows are curtained with a snow-white tulle framed by curtains in a light brown hue. Wallpaper, yellow with orange, resembles the light of the sun, which always contributes to a good mood. Furniture - a minimum. In the left corner is a desk, and next to it is a chest of drawers. A wardrobe and a sofa are on the right, and an ottoman stands near the door. The walls are hung with a variety of photos. Some of them capture their own travels and trips, while others show the sights of Russian cities that have fallen into the lens of my camera. Colorful pictures tell about descents on the rivers of Karelia: