Gadgets: blessig or a curse?
Many peoplr belive that in modern world gadgets play an important part in our lives.
Some of them think that gadgets harm us more than they do good.
Is it as true as they think?
I sure, think that if we use gadgets well they will not do any harm.
First of all, children should surf the internet with their parents supervision. It help them protect their pcicology.
Secondly, People shouldn't use the gadgets more than 3 hours a day. It may cause the problems with eyesight.
From the oter hand, people consider that gadgets csn't have any benifits.They strongly believe that tehnical devices always cause the dependence and modern people can't live without it.
There is something in what they say, but I still think that gadgets may have benefits.
Main example is World Wide Web and the internet. They are help to learn, work and look up information.
To sum up: if you will use a computer right, you will avoid health problems, moreover, it will help in work or school.
In conclusion I would like to sau that to use or not to use gsdgets - it depends on the person. I prefer live in the world with modern people.
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Global warming is the biggest problem in the world today. Everyone know about it but not everyone is trying to stop it. Many world leaders are more interested in blaming other countries for the crisis. Countries like China, India and Russia say they will not act unless America takes more action. America says it will not act until other countries take more action. It seems a little childish that leaders are acting in this way. The future of our world is at risk and governments can only argue with each other. Many presidents and prime ministers tell us that technology is the answer. They say future scientists will find solutions to save the planet. This is a big gamble. I hope they are right. I don’t believe them, so I’ll continue switching off lights and recycling.
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Since ancient times Nature has served Man, being the source of his life. For thousands of years people lived in harmony with environment and it seemed to them that natural riches were unlimited. But with the development of civilization man's interference in nature began to increase.
Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprises appear all over the world today. The by-products of their activity pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we grow grain and vegetables on.
Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about 1000 million tons of dust and other harmful substances. Many cities suffer from smog. Vast forests are cut and burn in fire. Their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. As a result some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever, a number of rivers and lakes dry up.
The pollution of air and the world's ocean, destruction of the ozone layer is the result of man's careless interaction with nature, a sign of the ecological crises.