My favourite food is pizza. I like all kinds of pizza and other Italian dishes. For my birthday, my parents always try to arrange a pizza party. There are times when we simply order pizza for lunch or dinner, just because there is no time for cooking. Out of my mum’s home cooking I prefer Ukrainian borscht. It’s a special red cabbage soup, which is tastier to eat with sour cream. Borscht is a traditional Russian and Ukrainian dish and many foreigners want to try it when visiting these countries. In general, I can say that I am a good eater. I like many types of food, among them fruit, vegetables, sweets and cakes, etc. However, there are some products which I don’t like eating. They are mushrooms and fish. My mother knows about it and she tries not to use these products in dishes. Удачі
Моя улюблена їжа-це піца. Мені подобаються всі види піци і інші італійські страви. На мій день народження, мої батьки завжди намагаються влаштувати вечірки з піцою. Бувають моменти, коли ми просто замовляємо піцу на обід або вечерю, просто тому, що немає часу для приготування їжі. Поза домом моя мама готує, я віддаю перевагу український борщ. Це особливий червоний суп з капусти, який смачніше їсти зі сметаною. Борщ є традиційним російським і українським блюдом, і багато іноземці хочуть спробувати його при відвідуванні цих країн. Загалом, я можу сказати, що я хороший їдець. Мені подобаються багато видів їжі, серед них фрукти, овочі, солодощі і торти, і т. д. Однак, є деякі продукти, які я не люблю їсти. Вони гриби і рибу. Моя мама знає про це, і вона намагається не використовувати ці продукти в стравах.
The United Kingdom is very small compared with many other countries in the world. However there are only nine other countries with more people, and London is the world's seventh biggest city. When you travel about the country you can see how the scenery changes right in front of your eyes. Highlands turn into lowlands; forests and hills turn into meadows and plains very quickly. It's hard to believe, but in Great Britain one you can find practically any type of scenery. Britain is unusually beautiful country! England can be divided for four parts: the Southeast, the Southwest, East Anglia, the Midlands and the North of England.
11 secrets of how to easily keep yourself in shape 1) STOP DRINKING CALORIES! This is the most important rule that must be followed. Avoid all drinks containing calories. Choose only water! 2) CHOOSE ONLY NATURAL! This means there are only natural (natural) food. Or, in other words, choose products that are minimally processed and as close to its original natural state. Natural products are much better and generally more nutritious than their advanced counterparts. This approach to the choice of food will make Your figure elegant. 3) PLAN YOUR DIET! If You are hungry, do not randomly try all the available snacks. You risk to eat too much. Choose food carefully, without haste, overeas that this is exactly what You want, and no more than You need. It is better to eat small portions five times a day in order to maintain a high metabolism. 4) EAT AT HOME! Dinner in the restaurant is very good, but not every day. This rule may be difficult to observe those who travel a lot or not always can prepare something at home. to keep in shape 5)SUGAR IS YOUR ENEMY! Of course, You've heard it a thousand times, but it's true. If You love lollipops, biscuits and sweets, You should make every effort to give them up - at least for a short period of time. Use sugar to preserve youth of their skin as a cosmetic ingredient homemade. For example, a sugar scrub will leave Your skin soft and silky. 6) AVOID SALTY FOODS! When You eat salty foods such as chips, You will naturally want to drink. However, the water You drink to remain in Your body as water weight (this is mainly caused by food that contains a lot of salt). 7) SET A GOAL FOR YOURSELF! To succeed in any business you need to set goals. Set goal weight, but NOT a goal date! No matter how fast You reach your weight, so the dates are not important. Health is always better than speed! 8) MOVE! Physical exercise is a very important part of preserving the ideal shape, but sometimes You can skip a morning workout. Even if this happens at any time of the day You can choose a push up and make it regardless of whether it was planned or not. Try to keep yourself in shape to do 20 viimane in push-up every morning before You go into the shower. Make it part of Your daily routine. This may seem a trifle, but after some time You will see a significant change in their figure. 9) USEFUL HOBBY! Find a new hobby that would be helpful for Your figure. It can be regular walking, gym, running, dancing, yoga or aerobics. 10) THE MORE THE MERRIER! As practice shows, to conquer new heights one is much more difficult than doing it in the company. Find to itself the partner in spirit. To achieve the goal together – what could be better! 11) RELAX ON THE WEEKENDS! You should not keep ourselves. On weekends you can sometimes bend the rules and indulge in candy. This may seem contradictory, but it is a real help in achieving balance. At any time You have a craving for something that really doesn't meet Your dietary rules - such as pizza, sweets or fried chicken - they'll wait until the weekend. During the weekend You can still abide by their rules, but to slightly modify them to fit into Your addiction. A day or two of eating more than You usually allow, can cause even a small weight loss. However, do not use this as an excuse full of binge on the weekend, otherwise You will destroy all my hard work. FOLLOW THESE SIMPLE RULES AND YOUR WEIGHT WILL ALWAYS BE NORMAL