Сейчас Эн очень сильно хочет видеть доктора. Она хочет видет его маленькую черную сумку. Когда доктор пришёл, эн сказала: здраствуйте доктор! Я рада Вас видеть. Где ваша маленькая чёрная сумка? Что в ней? Можно мне посмотреть вот она. сказал доктор и дал Эг свою сумку.
А ты открой свой рот. Сказал доктор Эн. Эн открыла свой рот. Хорошая девочка. Теперь я знаю почему ты заболела. Ты любишь кушать много мороженного. Делай что я говорю, и уже скоро всё будет отлично. А теперь дай мне мою сумку. Пока Эн)
До свидания доктор Вам, сказала Эн
I would like to inform you about a molecular assembler, wich is defined by K. Eric Drexler, is a "proposed device able to guide chemical reactions by positioning reactive molecules with atomic precision".In 2007 the British Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council has started the development of ribosome-like molecular assemblers.Before, the term "molecular assembler" or "nano-assembler" has been used in science fiction and popular culture/ It refers to a wide range of fictional nanomachines, that manipulate with atoms. But they may be physically impossible to be constructed in reality.I think that molecular assembler is the most importaint step of the human culture and civilization. If everyone or every city or town gets such a device, the poverty and hunger will be defited. There will be no corporations, no slavery and the humane society will built.The professor saidBecause the fingers of a manipulator arm must themselves be made out of atoms, they have a certain irreducible size. There just isn't enough room in the nanometer-size reaction region to accommodate all the fingers of all the manipulators necessary to have complete control of the chemistry[Also,] the atoms of the manipulator hands will adhere to the atom that is being moved. So it will often be impossible to release this minuscule building block in precisely the right spot. Both these problems are fundamental, and neither can be avoided. Self-replicating, mechanical nanobots are simply not possible in our world.That means that such a device can not be made in reality because of the compteness of the operation controlling process and impossibility of using so many arms.But I don't agree because we can see a lot of examples of such devices like - spaceships, cell phones, flying cars (e.x. Boeing Vahana) and many others. Now we are using them without even thinking of the previous debates. And I suppose that this problems with be soon solved.