Сүйіспеншілікті адам алғаш шыр етіп дүниеге келген сәтінен бастап сезіп-көре бастайды. Мейірімін төккен ата-анасының ыстық құшағында олардың аялы алақанын сезіне жүріп, өмірге төселеді. Есейе келе толағай сүйіспеншілікті айналасынан көру-көрмеуі екіталай. Әйтсе де, адам өмір бойы сүйіспеншілікті іздеп, дауыл алдындағы шағаладай шарқ ұрып өтері анық.
Барша ғалам шынайы сүйіспеншіліктің жарқын көрінісі десе болғандай. Мәселен, шуағын төккен күн көзі және судың буға, одан бұлтқа айналуы, сонан соң жауын болып топыраққа нәр шашуы – ғаламдағы сүйіспеншіліктің жарқын мысалдары. Масатыдай құлпырған сан алуан гүлдер көз жауын алатын әсемдігімен қараған жанның жанын жадыратып, көңілін шалқытады. Жапырақ бетіндегі таңғы шықтың күмістей мөлдіреген пәк бейнесінен сүйіспеншілікті
the new one of club and country and I don't think so much more than that the new one of club and country and I don't think so much more than that the new one of club and country and I don't think so much more than that the new one of club and country and I don't think so much more than that the new one of club and country and I don't think so much more than that the new one of club and country and I don't think so much more than that the new one of club and country and I don't think so much more than that the new one of club
Gregor Zamza is an ordinary young man who grew up in a big city, tied to his family, the responsibility for which is felt very acutely. He cares about his father-bankrupt, sick mother, sister Greta, who can be seen at the conservatory. He works for a small firm, most of the time in his travels, very disciplined, diligent, able-bodied. Sometimes it is very hard for him, but Gregor never complains to anyone. He understood that the welfare of the family lay on his shoulders. The more terrible for him is reincarnation in an insect. From this moment the world for the hero "turns". He adapts to his new disgusting body. But Gregor remains in the soul what he was, a loving son and brother. He is tormented by despair and shame, since his family will be left without money and the old father, the mother is sick, the young sister should think about earning. He feels the disdainful contempt of the closest people with pain. One day Greta arranged a cleaning in his room, her goal was noble - to free up more space for the movement of the insect, but the hubbub that accompanies the cleaning, the deprivation of favorite things deeply impressed Gregor. They brought out a chest in which Gregor kept something from his very childhood, a table behind which he was doing his homework, a wardrobe with clothes. Realizing that he was deprived of normal housing, he got out from under the couch to protect his last treasure - a portrait on the wall.
My mother saw a huge red spot on the flowery wallpaper, screamed before she realized that this is Gregor, and fainted. Feeling guilty, Gregor tries to help his sister, who rushed to look for medicine, but now his father came (he now wore a uniform with gold buttons, as he worked in a bank), and hurled Gregor with an apple from a vase. Then he again and again threw, while one of the apples was stuck in the body, from that time of health, Gregor began to deteriorate, everyone forgot him. In no way guilty, despised by the nearest, he suffered suffering from shame greater than from hunger and wounds. All that is left for him is a pathetic loneliness. When the hero dies, his relatives feel the loss with relief. For the first time in a long time, mother, father and Greta go for a walk outside the city, they discuss plans for the future, and the parents, not agreeing, thought about what, despite past terrible circumstances, what their beautiful daughter is.
The hero of Kafka's novel embodies the man's fear of lives, loneliness, from which no one is immune. In an absurd world, even kinship ties are broken. The main thing for heroes is to look ordinary, like everyone else. The inner world of man, her experience is of no interest to anyone. In the works of Kafka, the world is guided by laws that are not subject to logical motivation, nor can their souls.