ответ:Russia is one of the largest countries in the world. The vast territory of Russia lies in the eastern part of Europe and the northern part of Asia. Russia is washed by twelve seas and three oceans.
Россия — это крупнейшая страна в мире. Большая часть территории России лежит в восточной части Европы и в северной части Азии. Россия омывается 12-ю морями и тремя океанами.
Moscow is the capital of Russian Federation. About 10 million people live and work in Moscow.
Москва — столица России. Около 10 миллионов человек живут и работают в Москве.
The land of Russia varies very much from forests to deserts, from high mountains to deep valleys. The main mountain are the Urals, the Caucasus and the Altai. There are a lot of great rivers and deep lakes on its territory. Also there are many animals in Russia.
Территория России очень разнится — от лесов до пустынь, от высоких гор до глубоких долин. Главные горы — это Уральские, Кавказские и Алтайские. На ее территории очень много больших рек и глубоких рек. Также в России очень много животных.
a shop = a store (AE)
a shopping centre/center(AE) - a mall (AE)
a chain store
a supermarket
a department store
a stall = a stand (AE)
a kiosk
- dairy products
a butcher's/ a butcher shop
a grocer's/a grocery store (AE)
a baker's/ a bakery
a florist's
a fishmonger's
a confectioner's/a confectionery/ a sweet-shop
a greengrocer's/a greengrocery
an off-licence = a liquor store (AE)
a tobacconist's
a chemist's = a drugstore/a pharmacy (AE)
a newsagent's
a boutique
a gift shop
a bookshop = a bookstore (AE)
a hardware shop
an antique shop
- footwear
- perfumery & toiletries
- household goods
- hosiery
- souvenirs
- jewellery/ jewelry (AE)
a stationer's/ stationery
- electric appliances
- sportswear = sporting goods (AE)
- pottery (ceramics)
- glassware
- silverware
9 Do the crossword. Can You Recognise the Shops?
1) In this shop you can choose different sorts of glass containers for wine, cognac, brandy and other beverages. an off-licence = a liquor store (AE)
2) If you don't want to spend hours fishing, it's better for you to go to this shop. a fishmonger's
3) Kiwi, mango, peaches, avocados, parsley, lettuce: where do you go to buy all that? a greengrocer's/a greengrocery
4) Is your favorite pastime gardening? Then you will find all the tools you may possibly need at this shop. a hardware shop
5) Want to make a birthday cake? You'll find everything (or almost everything!) you need here! - household goods
6) Here you can buy sports newspapers for your dad, fashion magazines for your mom and some postcards to send to a friend. a newsagent's
7) If you are eager to read this year's #I bestseller you'd better drop in this shop, a bookshop = a bookstore (AE)
8) Why go hunting? You can buy pork, veal, lamb, beaf, mutton and more at this kind of shop. a butcher's/ a butcher shop
9) The shop where products that often cause lung cancer are sold. a tobacconist's
10) A very large shop. a shopping centre/center(AE) - a mall (AE)
11) You are planning to spend your Christmas holidays in the Alps skiing? Then go to this shop and get all the necessary gear. - sportswear = sporting goods (AE)
12) You can shop here only if you are of age. an off-licence = a liquor store (AE)
13) If you have a sweet tooth this shop is for you. a confectionery/ a sweet-shop
14) The shop where you buy medicines, baby products, shampoo, etc, a chemist's = a drugstore/a pharmacy (AE)
1. Russia is considered to be one of the most snowy countries. - Россия считается одной из самых снежных стран
2. During the last century the monarchy in Russia was changed to presidential government - За последнее тысячелетие монархия в России сменилась президентским правлением
3. In 1712 the capital of Russia was moved from St.Petersburg to Moscow - В 1712 году столица России была перенесена из Петербурга в Москву
4. In 1917 Russia was declared to be an independent republic - В 1917 году Россия была провозглашена независимой республикой.
5. Russian women are considered to be very beautiful - Русские женщины считаются очень красивыми
6. Rusian bear and matreshka souvenir are often used as a unofficial symbols of Russia. - Русский медведь и сувенир матрешка часто используются в качестве неофициальных символов Росии.
7. Russian classical writers are well known all over the world. - Русские классические писатели известны по всему миру.