1) I will dance with him on the party tomorrow. - Я буду танцевать с ним завтра на вечеринке. 2) I hope she will get my letter for two week. -Я надеюсь, она получит мое письмо в течение двух недель. 3) They will come tomorrow. - Они приедут завтра. 4) I'm sure, this trip will be amazing. - Я уверен, эта поездка будет удивительной. 5) He will phone next week. - Он позвонит на слндующей неделе. . это было future perfect теперь past perfect 1) I broke my arm yesterday. - Вчера я сломал руку. 2) He promised to help me with my homework. - Он обещал мне с моей домашней работой. 3) He phoned me to say good news. - он позвонил, чтобы сказать хорошую новость. 4) She liked your new dress. - Ей нравилось ее новое платье. 5) My cat caught a bird yesterday. - Вчера мой кот поймал птицу.
1. Don`t worry! Kids will be looked after very well by this babysitter 2. The lecture was listened attentively 3. Wedding invitations were sent us last week by them 4. I was offered a day-off by my boss 5. The secretary was given a lot of instructions by the manager 6. I was reccommended a good decorator by my friends 7. My little son was taught a rew bad words by some children 8. Everybody was asked not to be late by chief 9. The boy was promised a new byke by the father 10. That event is spoken a lot
The boy is running
The dog is sitting
They are playing